20180421 135044

f(un) bio 684: Rebecca Federspiel

  • Graduation from College

  • Teach for America

    Teach for America
    Taught in Los Angeles. Wanted high school--got Kindergarten!
  • Graduation from MAT

    Certified in High School History
  • Started at Lexington High School

    Started at Lexington High School
    History Department
  • Marriage to hubby

    Marriage to hubby
    Honeymoon in Greece & Italy -- this is Mt Vesuvius!
  • Kid #1

    Kid #1
  • Kid #2

    Kid #2
  • Moved to upstate NY

    Moved to upstate NY
    Life lesson: Liberal Yankee is a conservative in Woodstock.
    (This is Grandpa Woodstock. I have met him.)
  • Started at Woodstock Day School

    Social Studies Dept Head
  • Finally! Moved back home to NH seacoast!

    Finally! Moved back home to NH seacoast!
    Pups and I love the beach!
  • Started contracting in education

    Editing, curriculum writing and admin
  • NOW: UMass Boston & Instructional Design

    NOW: UMass Boston & Instructional Design
  • NOW: Girl Scout leader

    NOW: Girl Scout leader
    Going on four years! Bonding with my daughter and our troop!
  • NOW: Traveling with Family

    NOW: Traveling with Family
  • NOW: So many pets...

    NOW: So many pets...
    A dog, a hedgehog, a hamster, maybe goats? More dogs?
  • NOW: Exercise, reading, gardening...

    NOW: Exercise, reading, gardening...
    This was a local 5K.
  • NOW: Looking for a job to combine ID and non-profit!

    NOW: Looking for a job to combine ID and non-profit!
    Have you seen this website: https://designersforlearning.org/aboutus -- looks neat! And this: http://www.littlebirdgames.com/
  • NOW: My best friend.

    NOW: My best friend.
    The dog, not the hedgie. We are together ALL THE TIME.