F. Scott Fitzgeralld

  • Mississippi becomes first state to let educated blakcks vote

    Mississippi becomes first state to let educated blakcks vote
  • Period: to

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Finding of oil changed the texas landscape

    Finding of oil changed the texas landscape
  • Coca Coola first sold in bottles

    Coca Coola first sold in bottles
  • The first race of gas powered cars

    The first race of gas powered cars
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald was born

    F. Scott Fitzgerald was born
  • US invades spanish held Puerto Rico

    US invades spanish held Puerto Rico
  • 1899-1902 Boer War

    1899-1902 Boer War
    from 1899 to 1902
  • Asprin was discovered

    Asprin was discovered
  • Kodak intorduced the camera called brownie

    Kodak intorduced the camera called brownie
    Eastman Kodak made a low priced camera
  • US population exceeds 75 million

    US population exceeds 75 million
  • Ford Motor company formal

    Ford Motor company formal
  • Earthquake

    An earthquake hit san francisco killing 3,000 people
  • Fitzgeraldsfirst publication

    Fitzgeraldsfirst publication
  • Fitzgerlad enters princeton(class of 1917)

    Fitzgerlad enters princeton(class of 1917)
  • falls in love with Ginevva King

    falls in love with Ginevva King
  • US enters WWI

    US enters WWI
  • Enters the Army

    Enters the Army
  • Fitzgerald meets Zelda Sayr

    Fitzgerald meets Zelda Sayr
  • NFL

  • First radio broadcast in Pittsburgh and Detroit

    First radio broadcast in Pittsburgh and Detroit
  • Marries Zelda

    Marries Zelda
  • travles to Europe

    travles to Europe
  • Birth of Fitzgerals daughter Scottie

    Birth of Fitzgerals daughter Scottie
  • Great Gatsby was published

    Great Gatsby was published
  • Amelia Earhart is first women an to fly solo across Atlantic Ocean

    Amelia Earhart is first women an to fly solo across Atlantic Ocean