F. Scott Fitzgerald timeline

  • First play

    Production of Scott's first play, The Girl from Lazy J is staged at the Elizabethan Dramatic Club in St. Paul.
  • Assorted spirits

    The production of Scott's play Assorted Spirits at the St. Paul Y.W.C.A. Auditorium.
  • Receives 2nd lieutenant

    Scott receives commission as 2nd lieutenant in U.S. infantry.
  • First novel

    The publication of This Side Of Paradise. The novel went through 9 printings in 1920 with a total of 41,000 copies.
  • Short stories

    The publication of Flappers and Philosophers, Scott's first collection of short stories.
  • Married

    Zelda (19) and Scott (23) marry at the rectory of St Patrick's Cathedral in New York.
  • Second novel

    The publication of Scott's second novel The Beautiful And Damned. It received good reviews resulting in 3 printings selling some 50,000 copies.
  • Her play

    The publication of Scott's play, The Vegetable.
  • Begins the great Gatsby

    Scott begins writing he Great Gatsby, Zelda began an romantic involvement with French aviator Edouard Jozan. Scott told Zelda he would leave her if she continued to see Jozan and the relationship came to an end.
  • Revised Great Gatsby

    Scott completes and revises first draft of The Great Gatsby.
  • Play of Great Gatsby

    A play version of The Great Gatsby opens at the Ambassador Theatre on Broadway.
  • Dads death

    Zelda's father, Judge Sayre dies.
  • Zeldas first drafts

    March 1932- Zelda completes first draft of her novel, Save Me the Waltz just six weeks.
  • Three comrades

    Scott works on Three Comrades script for MGM, his only screen credit.
  • Gone with the wind

    Scott works briefly on Gone With the Wind.