F. Scott Fitzgerald

By 876569
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald Was Born

  • Joined The Army

    Because Francis was put on academic probation, he joined the army
  • Met Zelda

    Met Zelda
    Francis was assigned to a camp and he met Zelda whom he fell in love with
  • Moved to New York

    Francis moved to New York to pursue his dream of becoming a writer. He also wanted to make money to marry Zelda
  • Becomes a Writer

    Becomes a Writer
    At the end of the year, Francis officially becomes a writer
  • This Side of Paradise

    This Side of Paradise
    This Side of Paradise is published and F. Scott Fitzgerald becomes famous
  • Child is Born

    Francis has a child with Zelda
  • The Vegetable

    Francis writes a play called ‘The Vegetable’ and it failed at its tryout
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    The Great Gatsby is published and is considered his most finest work
  • Zelda Suffered a Breakdown

    During this time Francis could only write short stories while his wife was being treated
  • Zelda Relapsed

    Zelda had to be treated in a hospital and this was hard on Francis
  • Tender is the Night

    Tender is the Night
    Francis published his third book
  • Alcoholism

    Francis started drinking after The Great Gatsby was published
  • Hollywood

    Francis moved to Hollywood alone to work with a screenwriter until 1938
  • December 21, 1940

    Francis died