F. Scott Fitzgerald was born
Was born in 1896 -
Edward Fitzgerald
His father was fired and he promised himself he wouldn't be like his father. -
Scott was accepted
accepted into Princeton and wrote for the literary programs -
Quit Princeton
He was failing so he left -
Went to war
Join the army and ment zelda -
End of the War
LAck of combat expierence and proposed to Zelda he needed a job and moved to new York -
Zelda broke off the engagment
Moved to his parents house
Wrote the book and was accepted for publication
this side of paradise -
at 23 he was an insant celebrity
Married Zelda -
Queen of the Flappers
Zelda and Fitzgerald were the perfect pair -
The beautiful and damned
both were alcholics and they moved to Europe -
The great Gatspy
Fitzgerald settled down on Great Gatsby
Baby Born
Fitzgerald daughter