F. Scott Fitzgerald Background Research

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald is born

    Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on the second floor of his apartment
  • Fitzgerald goes to college

    Fitzgerald went to Princeton University where he would often ignore his academics to pursued his literary training by writing for the school news paper. Eventually he was put on academic probation and left Princeton all together
  • Fitzgerald and the military

    Being put on academic probation motivated him to join the U.S. Army in 1917 where he wrote his first novel named The Romantic Egotist. He was then assigned to Camp Sheridan where he met Zelda Sayer who would go on not marrying him
  • Fitzgerald's rewritten novel

    After being dumped by Zelda Fitzgerald quit his job and returned to Minnesota where he rewrote his novel as this side of paradise set in Princeton where is was accepted
  • Fitzgerald's career starts

    Near the end of 1919 Fitzgerald got a job writing for the mass circulation magazines where he wrote in the sturdy evening post which become his best story market
  • Fitzgerald gets married

    One week after this side of parades came out Fitzgerald got married to Zelda and moved to New York
  • Fitzgerald's second novel

    After moving to New York Mr. Fitzgerald wrote his second novel called The Beautiful and Damned
  • Fitzgerald's babies

    One year after getting married Zelda got pregnant and moved back to Minnesota where their only kid Francis Scott Fitzgerald
  • Fitzgerald and moving

    After one Fitzgerald's plus didn't workout he and his wife deiced to move to France where The Great Gastby was written and rewrote not when they visited Rome in 1925
  • Zelda's health issues

    While in Switzerland Zelda had her first breakdown and was treated at province clinic until 1931. Fitzgerald had to put his career on pause and write short stories to pat for her psychiatric treatment
  • Zelda relapses

    Once the Fitzgeralds moved back to America Zelda relapsed and was admitted into John Hopkins Hospital
  • Fitzgerald's fourth novel

    While in the hospital Fitzgerald finished his fourth novel called Tender Is The Night which was based off of the past couple of years while Zelda was dealing with her mental issues
  • The crack up years

    during 1936-37 Fitzgerald become addicted to alcohol and was unable to write stories and sent his daughter to boarding school at the age of 14
  • Fitzgerald and Hollywood

    In the summer 1937 Fitzgerald moved to Hollywood alone where he worked as a screen writer then in 1938 he become a freelance screen writer and began working on anther novel called the love of the last tycoon
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald dies

    On December 21, 1940 Fitzgerald died of a heart attack and believing he was a failure due to his alcoholism and inability to publish novels frequently