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F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Birth of Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    Birth of Francis Scott Fitzgerald
    Birth of Francis Scott Fitzgerald
    Saint Paul, Minnesota
  • Accepted to Princeton Ivy League College, New Jersey

  • World War 1; headed off to boot camp

  • Withdrew from Princeton

    Junior year, failing too many classes so he withdrew
  • Ready to leave for France and end of war was declared

    Ready to leave for France and end of war was declared
    F. Scott Fitzgerald proposed to Zelda Sayre, daughter of Alabama Supreme Court Judge
  • Zelda Sayre broke off engagement

    Zelda broke off engagement because Scott was not making enough money for her to live the life style that she is used to.
  • First novel released, This Side of Paradise

    By the end of the day the novel was sold out. At 23 he got the fame he dreamed of.
  • Marriage to Zelda Sayre, St Patrick Cathedral New York City

    Marriage to Zelda Sayre, St Patrick Cathedral New York City
    Zelda changed her mind, she would marry Scott Fitzgerald because of his success.
  • Birth of daughter, Francis Scott Fitzgerald “Scotty”

    Birth of daughter, Francis Scott Fitzgerald “Scotty”
  • Second Novel, The Beautiful and Damed

  • Moved to France, The Great Gatsby

    Started working of The Great Gatsby
  • Publication of The Great Gatsby

    Spring, went to Paris for publication
  • The US Stock Market Crash-Fitzgerald “jazz age” finished

  • Moved to Hollywood

    Moved to Hollywood
    To become a script writer
  • Writing of The Last Tycoon, Not in good health

  • Suffered heart attack

    Stopped drinking all together
  • Death, Suffered a massive heart attack

    Death, Suffered a massive heart attack
    Buried in Rockville Maryland, Union Cemetery
    Zelda buried beside him, March 10, 1948