Father is Fired
Father is fired from sales job, comes back a "Broken Man". Has a profound effect on Fitzgerald's resolve to never be a failure. -
Accepted at Princeton
Period: to
United States Involvement in WWI
Fitzgerald was nearly involved, his regiment was leaving Nov. 11 1918, when the war ended right before he left. -
Zelda Breaks off Engagement with Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald was so devastated he went on a three-week drinking binge, and restarted work on a book he began in college to try to win Zelda back. -
Zelda and Fitzgerald Marry
Zelda decides to re-engage in light of Fitzgerald's recent success. -
Zelda is Pregnant
Daughter Frances Scott Fitzgerald is born
The Beautiful and Damned Published
US Stock Market Crash
Beginning of the Great Depression -
Tender is the Night Published
Did not sell well due to the subject matter in the depression -
Left for West Coast for Screenwriting
Zelda Dies in Fire