Period: to
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Do ALL the English before 7:40 Monday. -
Zelda Sayre, Future Wife, Is Born
Accepted into Princeton University
Fluncking out of Princeton, he joins the U.S. Army
WW1 ends before Fitzgerald can being deployed, which he will regret for the rest of his life.
This Side Of Paradise is Published
Marriage to Zelda Sayre
F.S.F.'s "Flappers and Philosophers" is published.
Birth of Only Daughter Scottie Fitzgerald
The Fitzgeralds move to Paris
The Great Gatsby is Punlished
Stock Market Crash, Great Depression Begins
In 3 Parts, Throughtout the Year, F.S.F.'s Autobiography is published.
Zelda Fitzgerald committed to a Mental Asylum, Where She Will Spend the Rest of Her Life
F. Scott Fitzgerald Dies of a Heart Attack