F.F.A. History

  • 1935

    1. New Farmers of America established.
    2. Organization of African American young men.
    3. Active FFA membership exceeds 100,000 members.
  • 1944

    1. Future Farmers of America is formed in Washington D.C.
    2. 138,548 FFA members served in WWII.
    3. First National FFA Agriculture Awards presented.
  • 1948

    1. First National FFA chorus performed.
    2. First National FFA talent contest at convention.
    3. Record jump in membership from 238,269 in 1947 to 260,300.
  • 1952

    1. Code of Ethics adopted.
    2. The 1st issue of the National Future Farmer Magazine was published.
  • 1969

    1. FFA opens membership opens to girls.
    2. Washington Conference begins (WLC)
  • 1973

    Official FFA dress code created.
  • 1974

    Fred McClure from the Texas FFA Association is named the first African-American elected to National FFA Office.
  • 1976

    1. Julie Smiley from Washington is named the first female to hold national office.
    2. Alaska becomes the last of the 50 states to get a national charter.
  • 1999

    1. 72nd National FFA Convention is held in Louisville, Kentucky.
    2. First national creed speaking event is held. Micheal Von Winkle of the Arkansas FFA Association won.
  • 2004

    First live webcast from ffa.org of the 77th annual National FFA Convention.
  • 2005

    1. National FFA launches Seeds of Hope. This is a fundraising campaign to rebuild agriculture education and FFA programs in the states of the Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina.
    2. FFA foundation breaks the $10 million mark in raising money for FFA programs and services.
  • 2009

    FFA celebrates 40 years of women in the organization.
  • 2014

    Five FFA jackets are added to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.
  • 2019

    Student membership hits all-time high with 700,170 members in 8,612 chapters.