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  • Period: to

    Film History

    The history of film.
  • First Photograph

    First Photograph
    First photograph was made by Joseph Nicephore.
  • The First Kinetoscope and Kinetograph

    The First Kinetoscope and Kinetograph
    Kinetoscope and Kinetograph made in 1891
  • The first Cinematographe

    The first Cinematographe
    The first cinematographe was made by the Lumiere Brothers, was made in 1895
  • The Lumiere Brothers made their first film

    The Lumiere Brothers made their first film
    The Lumiere Brothers made their first film in 1895, called "La Sortie des ouvriers de l'usine Lumiere" also known as "Workers leaving the Lumiere Factory."
  • The first VItascope was made

    The first VItascope was made
    The first Vitascope was bought and used by Thomas Edison in 1896. He renamed it the Edison Vitascope.
  • George Melies's first film and screenig

    George Melies's first film and screenig
    George Meilies's made his first film and screened on April 4th 1896.
  • George Melies's first glass studio

    George Melies's first glass studio
    George Melies's made his first glass studio in 1897.
  • The first color movies were made

    The first color movies were made
    In 1902 the first films with color were invented.
  • The Lumiere Brothers left the film business

    The Lumiere Brothers left the film business
    The Lumiere brothers left the business in 1905.
  • George Melies Retirement

    George Melies Retirement
    George Melies retired in 1912, due to the war, the novelty of his films wore off, casing him to burn his old sets and costumes, and trashing his films.