Period: 1200 BCE to 400 BCE
Olmec Culture
Period of time of the Olmec culture -
Period: 1000 BCE to 1521
Maya Culture
Period of time of the Maya culture. -
Period: 500 BCE to 1000
Zapotec Culture
Period of time of the Zapotec culture -
Period: 1 CE to 650
Teotihuacan Culture
Period of time of the Teotihuacan culture -
Period: 800 to 1521
Totonaca Culture
Period of time of the Totonaca culture -
Period: 900 to 1521
Mixtec Culture
Period of time of the Mixtec culture -
Period: 1200 to 1521
Aztec Culture
Period of time of the Aztec culture -
Industrial Revolution
Period: to
United States Independence
Period: to
French Revolution
Napoleonic Invasion to Spain
Period: to
Initiation of Independence
Period: to
Organization of the Independence
Period: to
Resistance of the Independence
Consummation of the Independence
Period: to
Conservatives vs Liberals
Period: to
Foreign Interventions
United Kingdom, France and United States -
Spain´s Reconquer Attempt
Period: to
Santa Anna president in many occasions
11 times he was president.
He was not a continuously president. -
Period: to
Texas War
Cake's War
Period: to
Mexican-United States War
"Niños Héroes" war in Chapultepec Castle
Period: to
Reform War
Period: to
Second French Intervention
Period: to
Second Mexican Empire
Ruled by Maximiliano