Extra Credit

  • Germany joins in

    A team in Berlin began investigation neutron-induced uranium decay. However they operated under two false assumptions that made their findings false.
  • The beginning

    Italian physicist Enrico Fermi and his team bombarded a sample of uranium with neutrons. His team recorded that some of the uranium seemed to have absorbed the neutrons and undergone Beta decay
  • Meitner's exile

    Meitner was the leader of the group, but she was Jewish in Germany during the Nazi party, she left to Sweden to avoid persecution.
  • A shocking discovery

    The team re-examined their evidence because Meitner couldn't find a satisfying physical explanation to their findings. It turns out that were looking in the wrong place for the cause of the results. They found what they were looking for
  • Nobel Prize

    For the discovery of nuclear fission Hahn (one of the people on the team) got a nobel prize in chemistry
  • Nobel prize pt. 2

    Because of the war Lise Meitner wasn't able to receive the corresponding award in physics until after her death