At the age of 3, children who are born in the year span of 1998 to 1999 have been exposed to old boxed kind of TV, unlike today whom been exposed to flat screened TV with cable -
Car Radio/ Radio
when on the go or there's no television available, our Tita or Tito or even our GrandParents use Radio -
Period: to
Traditional and New Media :))
everyone knows about ye'olde Nokia 3210, everyone had this back then and everyone knows how to play Snakes and Space Impact. Even tho Nokia 3210 has been out ever since somewhere 1995, new kinds of phone back then were a bit expensive -
some kids were exposed to computers but with the lack of internet back then and computer games. Mostly computers were used for company purposes back then -
Fax machine
These were used as printing advertising like sending your paper to a specific telephone number and printing it out, sometimes it prints out event and such. Also it was used as a telephone, but with a printer -
some kids had the luxury to be able to play one of this things before, even at school they keep talking about it and its games -
Mp3 / Mp4
back then, these fancy things were used by teenagers and adults to play music while travelling or doing outdoor / indoor exercises -
Flip Phones
same as the Nokia 3210, left and right everybody had this kind of phone. With its camera function, selfie wasn't a thing back then -
Atleast at this time and year, internet was a bit better. Everyone had these things and the word email just got invented. -
even tho friendster has been around for so long that most people uses this as the 'facebook' back then -
A website where people can post random videos in the internet and now the number 1 website for videos -
Digital Cameras
a very nice camera which you can connect to your PC or laptop -
The new kind of 'Friendster' -
Smart Phones
the new and better kind of phones that comes with Bluetooth and Wifi which then can connect to the internet -
The mobile app and application used by facebook to talk with friends online -
FlatScreen Tv's
a Flat Screened TV -
another social media website where you can post short messages or quotes and such -
Group 9
Section Loyalty stem 12
Group memebers:
Magno, Jan Kaino
Sinoy, Ricafel Hope
Brinquez, Paolo
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year