Exposition1: Background
Sadeed Bayat, a 12 year old boy is listening in on a teacher's meeting. The meeting is about Sadeed writing to a girl in America. -
Exposition2: Setting
The setting takes place in Kabul,Afghanistan and Linsdale,Illinois. -
Exposition 3: Characters
Sadeed Bayat, 12 yrs old
Amira Bayat, 10 yrs old is Sadeed Bayat's sister
Abby Carson, 11yrs old -
Rising Action 1:Conflict
Abby Carson never does her homework. She is in danger of failing the sixth grade. -
Rising Action 2
Abby was called out of class and sent to the guidance consuelor's office. The guidance consuelor gives her a big white envelope to share with her parents about her failing grades. -
Rising Action 3
One of Abby's teachers asks her if she would like to complete a project for extra credit. If she does, it will help bring her grades up. Abby chooses to do a penpal project. She looks at the globe, and choose to write to a penpal in Kabul, Afghanistan. -
Rising Action 4
Abby writes her first letter to Amira, her ten year old penpal in Afghanistan. In the letter Abby tells Amira about her life in Illinoise, and asks Amira about life in Afghanistan. Abby starts to put the letters that she has recieved on a bulletin board. -
Rising Action 5
One day, Amira's older brother, Sadeed wrote a letter to Abby. Although, in his country boys are not allowed to write to girls, Sadeed wrote a letter to Abby anyway. -
Rising Action 6
Sadeed he was not paying attention in class because he was reading a letter from Abby. Sadeed's teacher ask to Sadeed to come in front of the class and read the letter aloud. As he was reading the teacher stops him in order to move on with the day. -
Rising Action 7
After a while, Abby both sends and recieves a lot of letters from Amira and two from Sadeed. At this point, she is almost finished with her school project for extra credit. -
Falling Action 1
Sadeed was walking home with a letter from Abby in his hand. A strange man popped out of nowhere and grabbed Sadeed by the arm.The man sees that the letter in the boy's hand has the American flag on it. The man tells him how America tried to kill the people in Afghanista and threatens Sadeed. He tells him not to send anymore letters. -
Falling Action 2
The teachers have another meeting and this time it is about the threat that happened to one of the students. One of them said that they can't have Amira, Sadeed's sister write to Abby in America. -
Falling Action 3
Amira wrote her last letter to Abby. In the letter she explained that she couldn't send any more letters to Abby anymore because of the threat. -
Falling Action 4
A war had begun in Afghanistan between Afghanistan and the United States of America. The war was not near where Sadeed and Amira live. -
Resolution 1
Abby Carson presented her penpal project. She stapled all the penpal letters she recieved from Amira onto a bullentin board. However, she keeps the letters Sadeed sent her a secret. Abby got up in front of the class and read every letter on the board to the class. -
Resolution 2
On the last day of school Abby got one last letter from Sadeed. The letter said that a man had become angry when he saw the american flag on Abby's letter. The man threated Sadeed and now Sadeed and Amira would no longer be able to send letters to Abby for a long time because it was no longer safe. -
Resolution 3
Abby Carson recieves extra credit for the penpal project and passes the sixth grade. There is fighting in the mountains around the town Sadeed lives in. However, on the bright side, Sadeed's uncle gave him some rope that Sadeed uses to go rock climbing, one of Abby's hobbies, for the first time.