
By a002018
  • Dec 31, 986

    first settlement in green land

    when erik was himself banished from iceland , he travelled further west to an area he named greenland
  • Sep 15, 1254

    marco polos travels begin

    marco polo start his travels of marvels of the world
  • Oct 12, 1492

    discover of america

    cristopher colombus discover america
  • Apr 2, 1513

    discover of florida

    In 1493, Ponce de León sailed with Christopher Columbus on Columbus' second voyage to the Americas. He and his family settled on an island in the Caribbean named Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). He became a military commander at this post and was appointed deputy governor. In 1506, Ponce de León discovered a nearby island named Borinquen. While there, he found large deposits of gold. Soon after his discovery, he left the island. He returned in 1508 on orders from the king of Spain to explore an
  • Sep 20, 1519

    first circumnaviqation of the qlobe

    thanks to the efforts of ferdinand magellan, the first trip around the planet was made , proving that the earth is round and not plane as belived
  • Sep 20, 1519

    fist circumnaviqtaion of the qlobe

    vasco de gama is the first explorer to make a sea rtip from eourope to india, by going around the africana continenet.
  • sacagawea leads the corps exxpedition

    sacagawea, with her 2 months baby helps explores Lewis and clark during their expedition through thr Rocky mountains to the pacific ocean and Back.she recived no compensation for it
  • Lewis and Clark corps expedition

    By the appointment of Thomas Jefferson, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored more than 8, 000 miles with the help of Sacagawea. Lewis recived his salary , 1, 600 acroes of land and named governor od louisana territory
  • french naval officer

    costeau discover his underwater world research in series of books
  • walking in the moon

    Neil armstrong fllys the the moon
  • first man in the moon

    startship apollo 11 lands on the moon making neil armstrong the first man that leaves his footprint out of planet earth