Exploration Timeline

By barb28
  • USSR launches Sputnik

    Frist artificial satelite set into space by the USSR. Worried that the soviets could reach the US.
  • First man made object to orbit the Sun.

    Luna 1 is launched by USSR. It`s the firsts man made object to orbit the Sun.
  • Luna 2 impacts the Moon.

    Luna 2 is launched. It impacts the Moon on September 13, becoming the first man made object to do so.
  • Launched the first human into Space.

    Yuri Gagarin flew one orbit around the Earth.
  • President John F. Kennedy`s challenge to the Moon.

    President John F. Kennedy addresses Congress and challenges the nation to go the Moon before the of the decade.
  • Second Group of Astronauts.

    NASA selects it`s group of astronauts.
  • Theodore Freeman dies in a Plane Crash.

    Astronaut Theodore Freeman dies in a plane crash
  • Venus 3 is launched and impacts Venus.

    Venus 3 is launched. It becomes the first man made object to impact Venus on March 1, 1966.
  • First satellite ro orbit the Moon

    Luna 10 becomes the first satellite to orbit the Moon.
  • The First men to walk on the Moon.

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin aldrin became the first men to walk on the Moon.