In 1610 Galilean first spots moon through a telescope. This allowed scientist to know about the moon. Also to see that the moon was not just a smooth sphere but it has mountains and pits. -
reflecting telescope
In 1668 Issac Newton built first successful reflecting telescope. This allowed scientist to study objects in space. Scientist could see planets or stars. -
first liquid fueled rocket
In March 16, 1926 the first liquid fuel rocket was launched by Dr. Robert H. Goddard. I think this is important for scientist because it could be something they can improve on to make a better rocket for space exploration. -
first jet engine
The first jet engine. This could be the start to things being able to go to space. -
laikas misson
First animal to orbit earth. This is important because this could tell if humans can survive up there or not. -
First artifical satelite successfully launched. Important because this was the start of many things like dish or phones wifi. -
picture of far side of moon
In 1959 the first picture of the far side of the moon was taken. This was important because know one knew what the far side of the moon look like. -
apollo 11
Apollo 11 was the mission that american Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon. This was cool because this was the first time someone stepped foot on the moon. -
first space station.
The first space station was launched by the soviet union. This was important because it was the first space station in orbit. -
first lunar rover mission
The lunar rover was a vechile that could be driven on the moons surface to study it. This mission was called the First Lunar rover Mission. -
First space shuttle launched
The first space shuttle luanched into space was to test its system. The space shuttle was something that help the rocket into orbit. -
Venus soil samples
The soviet union Venera 13 spacecraft lands on venus and analysis soil. This was important because it shows how or what venus was like. -
First women in space
The first american women in space was Sally K. Ride in the mission STS-7. I think this was good for the womens because it showed that womens could be astronauts. -
On april 24, 1990 the hubble was launched into space. This allowed scientist to see far into our galaxy and cool pictures of space. -
Spending billions on space exploration.
NASA plans to spend 17.7billions dollars on space exploration project. NASA plans to capture small astroid and park it near the moon for astronauts to explore. This is important becasue it is exploring asteroids close up in person and i think it has never been done before.