Explain how U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War led to the Bay of Pigs Invasion and Cuban Missile Crisis
By GWeezy47
World War 2 Ends
First East European Communist government Established
in Albania -
George Kennan Wrote an 8,000 Word Telegram
• Kennan was a foreign Service Officer that had experience with Russia's communist tendencies • Sent an 8,000 word telegram to the department under the name Mr. X • Believed that America would have to patiently and vigorously contain the spread of Russian expansion -
Communism Spread to Poland
Truman Doctrine
• After WWII, Much of Europe was in pieces • Truman thought that without economic support, Turkey and Greece would fall into Russia's grip • Justified his case with the idea that by attacking misery and want, poor and unstable nations won't fall into totalitarianism • Planed to distribute $400 million in emergency service to Turkey and Greece -
Congress passed the National Security Act
Pushed major changes in foreign policy and military arrangments; many of which include formation of new organizations for dealing with foreign countries. the National Security Council and the CIA were both formed due to this act. -
Marshall Plan Approved By Congress
• Secretary George Marshall proposed an extension of the Truman Doctrine to the devastated parts of Europe in June 1987. • Explained that the money provided would fight against poverty and desperation, not other nations. This allowed the Marshall Plan to remain neutral. • $13 Billion was distributed across Europe in 1947 -
Period: to
Berlin Airlift Crisis
Disputes on the ocupation zones in Berlin reached a point when the Soviet Union blocked rail, road, and water access to the allies so that the allies couldn't distribute food or water to its ocupied sectors. In response to this blockade, Allied supplies were airlifted to the zones. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
• Initially included Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. • Was, and still is a military alliance -
Russia Explodes its First Atomic Bomb
Communist Party Win Chinese Civil War
U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Iranian government.
British Intellegence forces working with thte CIA found that the Iranian premier, Mosaddeq, desired to unite Iran with the communist Soviets. When the CIA realized this threat, they overthrew Mosaddeq. The Shah became good allies with America for the rest of the Cold War. -
U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Guatemalan government
U.S. supplied anti-communist party in Guatemala with weapons in order to cease the spread of communism. The CIA threatened communist supporters in the region and infused large amounts of propaganda into the society. This date was the day in which U.S. troops invaded Guatemala and overthrew Arbenz, who was the leader at the time. -
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
Similar to NATO, and included United States, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan. -
Warsaw Pact Signed
Was a political and miltary alliance formed with the Soviet Union and several eastern European countries. This pact was formed in order to couteract NATO. -
Geneva Summit
A Meeting between President Dwight Eisenhower and Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Eisenhower offered the Open Skies proposal, which would ensure that both sides, US and Russia, would be open to share information on all military bases and allow for areial survallence over said bases. Premier Krushchev refused the proposal. -
Soviet's Red Army Demolishes Hungarian Revolution
Uprisings accross Hungary against the Soviets were spreading. Many people at the time looked at the small success of the rebels as inspiring. Then, the Soviet's Red Army came in, and demonstrated its authority as a world power. The revolts were contained by the Soviets. -
Launch of Sputnik
Sputnik was launched using a ballistic missile, one that could be adjusted to carry a nuclear payload. This realization spread fear accross America. -
Castro Gains power in Cuba
Castro overthows the Cuban prime minister and installs a communist government. He gains the attention of the United States and diplomatic relations are severed. *Unknown percise date in which Castro gains power, but it was in 1959. -
U2 Spy Plane Shot Down in Soviet Airspace
President Eisenhower approved spy missions over Russia using U2 spy planes. During the last mission with a U2, the plane was shot down, and the pilot was captured. This set event made Khrushchev angery and set back realations between US and Russia. -
John F. Kennedy Elected