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astronauts who went to the moon
Ahora si, conozcamos los nombres de aquellos grandes hombres en esta lista que incluye en primer lugar el nombre del astronauta y entre paréntesis la misión Apollo en la que han participado
Neil Armstrong (11)
Buzz Aldrin (11)
Pete Conrad (12)
Alan Bean (12)
Alan Shephard (14)
Edgar Mitchell (14)
David Scott (15)
Jim Irwin (15)
John Young (16)
Charlie Duke (16)
Eugene Cernan (17)
Harrison Schmitt (17) -
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in the first stage of the exploration to the moon it was developed in 18 years although with great part of unsuccessful attempts and of them we have the first pictures of the hidden face of a satellite among others.
In the decade of 1950 the expeditions to the moon began through automatic probes or manned ships with the aim of flying over.
there are two types of expeditions: manned lunar missions and unmanned lunar missions -
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first expeditions
September 1968, first orbital roundtrip tripped Apollo 8, December 1968, the first moon landing of a manned spacecraft Apollo 11 1969, the first automatic probe that landed and brought back to Earth Moon 16 Moon soil samples, 1970, -
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more expeditions
the first controlled vehicle from the Earth that crossed its surface Lunojod 1, in 1970 and the second Lunojod 2, in 1973 that traveled a lot, among many others. This stage ends after the launch of the Luna 24 probe in 1976. -
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japon starts exploration
the interest in the Moon goes into the background and for thirteen years no ingenuity will be sent to our satellite, until 1990, when Japan begins the current stage of space exploration of the Moon with its Hiten probe. This second phase develops at a much slower pace, unlike the ninety launches made between 1958 and 1976, for a period of equal duration between 1990 and 2008 had been made only seven launches. It is also characterized, among other things by the greater multinational participation -
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fondas in the future
Some future projected automatic probes are the Chinese Chang'e 2 for October 2010,1 the Russian Luna-Glob, whose launch is scheduled for 2012. and the Indian Chandrayaan-2 for 2013.