Monroe Doctrine
Wrote by James Monroe. A statement warning European nations not to colonize or interfere in America. US saw any interference as a threat. -
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850
Treaty between U.S and Great Britain Negotiated in response to attempts to build the Nicaragua Canal, a canal in Nicaragua that would connect the Pacific and the Atlantic. -
Big Sister Policy
James G. Blaine's policy, which sought better relations with Latin America (created in the 1880''s) -
Yellow Journalism
Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers -
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Spanish-America War
A war in which the U.S. came to aid Cubans independence from Spain.
Ended with the Treaty of Paris. -
U.S.S. Maine
Sent to bring home American citizens in Cuba. Ship blew up in Havana harbor and 260 killed. American newspapers claim Spain was responsible. -
Teller Amendment
Act of Congress in 1898 that stated that when the United States had rid Cuba of Spanish rule, Cuba would be granted its freedom. It prevented Cuba from turning hostile towards the U.S. -
U.S. Declared War
Due to the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana Harbor, the U.S. blamed Spain, and declared war. -
First Battle at Manila Bay (Spanish-American War)
In the first battle between Spanish and American Forces, U.S. Commodore Dewey and his Asiatic squadron defeat the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay in the Philippines. -
Annexation of Hawaii
U.S. wanted Hawaii for business and so Hawaiian sugar could be sold in the U.S. duty free, Queen Liliuokalani opposed so Sanford B. Dole overthrew her in 1893, William McKinley convinced Congress to annex Hawaii in 1898 -
Treaty of Paris
Treaty signed December 10, 1898 by the United States and Spain ending the Spanish-American War. The treaty also provided for the United States to keep troops in Cuba and for the annexation of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico by the United States -
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Philippine-American War
armed conflict between the Philippines and the United States from 1899-1902. It was a continuation of the Philippine struggle for independence and descended into a savage guerrilla war in which the United States ultimately defeated the Philippine rebels. -
Open Door Policy
Declaration in 1899 made by US secretary of state John Hay that all nations should have equal access to trade with China -
Boxer Rebellion
Revolt in which Chinese nationalist known as boxers attacked foreigners in order to end outside involvement in china's affairs. Put down by US marines and other forces after 2 months. -
Foraker Act of 1900
Congress accorded the Puerto Ricans a limited degree of popular gov't and in 1917, granted then US citizenship. Worked wonders in education, sanitation, transportation, and more -
Insular Cases
These were court cases dealing with islands/countries that had been recently annexed and demanded the rights of a citizen. These Supreme Court cases decided that the Constitution did not always follow the flag, thus denying the rights of a citizen to Puerto Ricans and Filipinos. -
Platt Amendment
This amendment to the new Cuban constitution authorized U.S. intervention in Cuba to protect its interests. Cuba pledged not to make treaties with other countries that might compromise its independence, and it granted naval bases to the United States, most notable being Guantanamo Bay. -
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901
A treaty signed by the United States and the United Kingdom on 18 November 1901, as a preliminary to the creation of the Panama Canal. The Treaty nullified the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850 and gave the United States the right to create and control a canal across the Central American isthmus to connect the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty
Agreement in 1903 Agreement that gave the United States unending sovereignty over a 10 mile wide canal across the Isthmus of Panama -
Roosevelt Corollary
Wrote by Roosevelt. Addition to Monroe Doctrine. Declared that the US will police affairs in the western hemisphere to keep Europeans from from intervening in the region. -
Gentlemen's Agreement
An agreement with Japan where Japan agreed to limit immigration, and Roosevelt agreed to discuss with the San Francisco School Board that segregation of Japanese children in school would be stopped. The agreement prevented a war that would have been caused by California, who was in Japan's eyes, oppressing their children. -
Great White Fleet
16 American battleships, painted white, sent around the world to display American naval power. -
Root-Takahira Agreement
Pledged the U.S. and Japan to respect each other's territorial possessions in the Pacific and to uphold the Open Door Policy in China. -
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Dollar Diplomacy
Wrote by William Howard Taft. Policy of influencing Latin America governments, through economic not military intervention. -
Panama Canal
A canal that connected the two oceans. Costed 6000 lives. Allowed the U.S. to be involved in Latin America. about 40,000 workers -
Jones Act (1917)
granted Puerto Ricans US citizenship and gave them the right to elect both houses of their legislature -
Panama Canal Treaty
President Jimmy Carter that signed the Panama Canal Treaty in Sept. 7, 1977. This moved U.S. military bases from the country and relinquished U.S. control over the canal.