Exercise 15

By jaf1341
  • 1944 Pulitzer Prize

    1944 Pulitzer Prize
    U.S. Marines invaded the Japanese atoll at Tarawa Island. It was after the battle that Frank Filan took this picture of dead Japanese soldiers.
  • 1945

    This iconic photograph was taken by Joe Rosenthal. It shows U.S. Marines raising the American flag at the top of Mt. Suribachi Iwo Jima. This would become one of the bloodiest, and most famous battles of the U.S. fight against Japan in WWII
  • 1965

    This photo shows a father holding the dead body of his child. Horst Fass took this photo near the Cambodian border in South Vietnam. Government forces shot the chilled while pursuing guerrillas.
  • 1969

    This Pulitzer Prize photo was taken by photojournalist Eddie Adams. It shows the exacusion of Viet Cong offiver Nguyen Van Lem on a Saigon Street early in the Tet Offensive.
  • 1973

    This picture shows 9-yer-old Kim Phuc after the South Vietnamese plane accidentaly dropped napalm on its own troops and civilians. Phuc afraid, and in pain ripped of her clothes. The 1973 Pulitzer Prize was taken by Nick Ut.
  • 1981

    This photo shows the choas surrending the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. It was taken by Ron Edmonds.
  • 1995

    Jean-Marc Bouju took this photo of a starving woman at a makeshift health clinic in Rwanda. With no access to medical care about 20-25 people in Rwanda died every day. This was part of Bouju's larger portfolio showing the unblievable conditions people lived in.
  • 2001

    Alan Diaz took this photo as Elian Gonzalez was discovered by government officials Officals where searching for Lazaro Gonzalez the boys great-uncle.
  • 2005

    A detainee in an outdoor solitary confinement cell talks with a military policeman at the Abu Ghraib prison. This photo was taken by John Moore.
  • 2012

    A boy named Ahmed crys for the death of his father. Who was killed by a Syrian Army Sniper. The photo was taken by Rodrigo Abd.