executive branch

By Mattias
  • Whiskey Rebellion George Washington

    Whiskey Rebellion George Washington
  • pickney's treaty George Washington

    pickney's treaty George Washington
  • jay treaty, George Washington

    jay treaty, George Washington
  • XYZ affair John Quincy Adams

    XYZ affair John Quincy Adams
  • Alien and Sedition Acts passed john adams

    Alien and Sedition Acts passed john adams
  • treaty of mortefontaine john adams

    treaty of mortefontaine john adams
  • Louisiana purchase, Thomas Jefferson

    Louisiana purchase, Thomas Jefferson
  • Marbury vs Madison Thomas jefferson

    Marbury vs Madison Thomas jefferson
  • star spangled banner written james madison

    star spangled banner written james madison
  • war of 1812 James madison

    war of 1812 James madison
  • Adams-onis treaty James Monroe

    Adams-onis treaty James Monroe
  • Tariff of Abominations john adams

    Tariff of Abominations john adams
  • Panics of 1837 and 1839 FDR

    Panics of 1837 and 1839 FDR
  • Atlantic charter FDR

    Atlantic charter FDR
  • Oregon treaty James K. Polk

    Oregon treaty James K. Polk
  • treaty of guadalupe hidalgo James K Polk

    treaty of guadalupe hidalgo James K Polk
  • Clayton-Bulwer treaty Zachary Taylor

    Clayton-Bulwer treaty Zachary Taylor
  • Kanagowa treaty, Franklin pierce

    Kanagowa treaty, Franklin pierce
  • Gadsen Purchase Franklin pierce

    Gadsen Purchase Franklin pierce
  • Civil war Abraham Lincoln

    Civil war Abraham Lincoln
  • reconstruction Andrew Johnson

    reconstruction Andrew Johnson
  • Tet Offensive Lyndon Johnson

    Tet Offensive Lyndon Johnson
  • Chinese exclusion act Chester Arthur

    Chinese exclusion act Chester Arthur
  • Hawaiian annexation William McKinley

    Hawaiian annexation William McKinley
  • Boxer Rebellion, William McKinley

    Boxer Rebellion, William McKinley
  • Big Stick Diplomacy Theodore roosivelt

    Big Stick Diplomacy Theodore roosivelt
  • square deal Theodore Roosevelt

    square deal Theodore Roosevelt
  • food and drug act passed Theodore Roosevelt

    food and drug act passed Theodore Roosevelt
  • Dollar Diplomacy William H Taft

    Dollar Diplomacy William H Taft
  • Federal Reserve act Woodrow Wilson

    Federal Reserve act Woodrow Wilson
  • Veracruz Incident Woodrow Wilson

    Veracruz Incident Woodrow Wilson
  • Zimmerman telegram Woodrow Wilson

    Zimmerman telegram Woodrow Wilson
  • 14 points woodrow wilson

    14 points woodrow wilson
  • 19th amendment Woodrow Wilson

    19th amendment Woodrow Wilson
  • Gold standard act passed William McKinley

    Gold standard act passed William McKinley
  • Washington Naval Conference Warren G Harding

    Washington Naval Conference Warren G Harding
  • Dawes plan, Calvin Coolidge

    Dawes plan, Calvin Coolidge
  • Kellogg-briand pact calvin coolidge

    Kellogg-briand pact calvin coolidge
  • smoot-hawley tariff Herbert Hoover

    smoot-hawley tariff Herbert Hoover
  • neutrality act of 1937, FDR

    neutrality act of 1937, FDR
  • Potsdam conference Harry Truman

    Potsdam conference Harry Truman
  • Marshall plan, Harry Truman

    Marshall plan, Harry Truman
  • Fair Deal Harry Truman

    Fair Deal Harry Truman
  • Great Depression Ended Harry Truman

    Great Depression Ended Harry Truman
  • New look policy Dwight D. Eisenhower

    New look policy Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • SEATO Dwight D. Eisenhower

    SEATO Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • alliance for progress, John F. Kennedy

    alliance for progress, John F. Kennedy
  • Peace Corps JFK

    Peace Corps JFK
  • Bay of Pigs invasion JFK

    Bay of Pigs invasion JFK
  • Gulf and Tonkin resolution, Lyndon Johnson

    Gulf and Tonkin resolution, Lyndon Johnson
  • Civil rights act of 1965 Lyndon B Johnson

    Civil rights act of 1965 Lyndon B Johnson
  • EPA created Nixon

    EPA created Nixon
  • detente Richard Nixon

    detente Richard Nixon
  • Watergate Nixon

    Watergate Nixon
  • camp david accords, Jimmy Carter

    camp david accords, Jimmy Carter
  • Moscow Olympics boycott Jimmy Carter

    Moscow Olympics boycott Jimmy Carter
  • Iran-contra affair, Ronald Reagen

    Iran-contra affair, Ronald Reagen
  • Persian Gulf War, George H.W. Bush

    Persian Gulf War, George H.W. Bush
  • NAFTA Bill Clinton

    NAFTA Bill Clinton
  • brady handgun bill passed George Bush

    brady handgun bill passed George Bush
  • oslo accords Bill Clinton

    oslo accords Bill Clinton
  • 9/11, George Busch

    9/11, George Busch
  • peaceful atomic energy cooperation pact George bush

    peaceful atomic energy cooperation pact George bush