George Washington *Pinckney's Treaty*
what is Pinckney's Treaty?
** it's a treaty that was negotiated with Spain and the United Sates to let the u.s. citizens to free travel from the Mississippi river through Spanish territory tax free. -
John Adams *Alien & Sedition acts passed*
what is the Alien and Sedition acts?
**The Alien act is where the president was allowed to imprison or deport immigrants that he considered dangerous
**the sedition act where it's a crime to speak, write or publish criticism bout the government. -
Thomas Jefferson *Marbury Vs. Madison*
**the most important supreme court case;this case in which Chief Justice John Marshall and his associates first asserted the right of the Supreme Court to determine the meaning of the U.S. Constitution -
James Madison *War of 1812*
war between America and Britain established the United States as a country with an identity when the new country defended its first "invasion," proving it was a powerful force. -
James Monroe *Adams-Onis Treaty*
** Settled land dispute between Spain. United States gains Florida in exchange for 5 million and renounced any claims on Texas and settled two countries between the pacific ocean -
James K. Polk *Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
It ended the U.S.-Mexican War and transferred 500,000 square miles of land from Mexico to United States ownership. -
Abraham Lincoln *Reconstruction*
Presidential Reconstruction. In May 1865, immediately following the assassination of President Lincoln, President Andrew Johnson and his administration created a plan for Reconstruction, which became known as Presidential Reconstruction. -
Chester Arthur * Chinese Exclusion Act*
the first and only major federal legislation to explicitly suspend immigration for a specific nationality. The basic exclusion law prohibited Chinese laborers—defined as “both skilled and unskilled laborers and Chinese employed in mining”—from entering the country. -
William McKinley * Hawaiian Annexation *
America's annexation of Hawaii in 1898 extended U.S. territory into the Pacific and highlighted resulted from economic integration and the rise of the United States as a Pacific power -
William McKinely * Gold Standard Act*
established gold as the sole basis for redeeming paper currency. The act halted the practice of bimetallism, which had allowed silver to also serve as a monetary standard. -
Theodore Roosevelt
Its main purpose was to ban foreign and interstate traffic in adulterated or mislabeled food and drug products, and it directed the U.S. Bureau of Chemistry to inspect products and refer offenders to prosecutors. It required that active ingredients be placed on the label of a drug’s packaging and that drugs could not fall below purity levels established by the United States Pharmacopoeia or the National Formulator. -
William Howard Taft *Dollar Diplomacy*
Taft's policy that favored investment of money into Latin America -
Woodrow Wilson *Zimmerman Telegram*
A message calling on Mexico to join in a coming war against the US and promising to help it recover territory lost in the Mexican War 1846-1848 -
Woodrow Wilson *14 Points*
They were listed in a speech delivered by President Woodrow Wilson on January 8th 1918, explaining to Congress and the nation that WWI as being fought for a just cause. It also set the foundations for peace plans and was the basis for the German armistice -
Woodrow Wilson *19th Amendment Passed*
guaranteed women the constitutional right to vote -
Warren G. Harding *Washington Naval Conference*
International conference called by the United States to limit the naval arms race and to work out security agreements in the Pacific area. Held in Washington, D.C., the conference resulted in the drafting and signing of several major and minor treaty agreements. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt *New Deal*
**left a legacy of reforms and agencies that endeavored to make society and individuals more secure, and it helped foster a long-term political realignment in which many ethnic groups, African Americans, and working-class communities identified with the Democratic Party. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt *Atlantic Chanter*
The two countries also agreed to support the restoration of self-government to those nations who had lost it during the war. Additionally, the Atlantic Charter stated that people should have the right to choose their own form of government. Other principles included access for all nations to raw materials needed for economic prosperity and an easing of trade restrictions. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower *New Look Policy*
Eisenhower emphasized reliance on strategic nuclear weapons to deter potential threats, both conventional and nuclear, from the Eastern Bloc of nations headed by the Soviet Union -
John F. Kennedy *Bay of Pigs Invasion*
CIA operation to overthrow Fidel Castro by landing 1200 disgruntled Cuban exiles in the Bay of Pigs. Fails miserably and is a huge embarrassment for Kennedy, who then vows to bring down Castro. Forces Cuba ever further into the arms of the USSR. -
John F. Kennedy *Cuban Missile Crisis*
** It was the closest the Cold War came to escalating to a nuclear war. -
Lyndon B. Johnson *civil rights act 1965*
The Voting Rights Act of 1965, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote as guaranteed under the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. -
Lyndon B. Johnson *Tet Offensive*
The Tet Offensive was a coordinated series of North Vietnamese attacks on more than 100 cities and outposts in South Vietnam. The offensive was an attempt to foment rebellion among the South Vietnamese population and encourage the United States to scale back its involvement in the Vietnam War. -
Richard Nixon *EPA*
President Richard Nixon created the EPA to fix national guidelines and to monitor and enforce them. Functions of three federal departments—of the Interior, of Agriculture, and of Health, Education, and Welfare—and of other federal bodies were transferred to the new agency. The EPA was initially charged with the administration of the Clean Air Act (1970), enacted to abate air pollution primarily from industries and motor vehicles -
Richard Nixon *Detente
Détente (a French word meaning release from tension) is the name given to a period of improved relations between the United States and the Soviet Union that began tentatively in 1971 and took decisive form when President Richard M. Nixon visited the secretary-general of the Soviet Communist party, Leonid I. Brezhnev, in Moscow, May 1972. -
Jimmy Carter *Iran Hostage Crisis*
The immediate cause of this action was President Jimmy Carter’s decision to allow Iran’s deposed Shah, a pro-Western autocrat who had been expelled from his country some months before, to come to the United States for cancer treatment. However, the hostage-taking was about more than the Shah’s medical care: it was a dramatic way for the student revolutionaries to declare a break with Iran’s past and an end to American interference in its affairs. -
Jimmy carter *Moscow Boycott*
Pres. Jimmy Carter took the lead in the call for a boycott of the 1980 Olympics, and approximately 60 other countries joined the United States in staying away from Moscow. A number of Western countries did not observe the boycott, notably Great Britain, France, Italy, and Sweden. In all, about 5,000 athletes representing 81 countries did attend the Games. Protests against the Soviet presence in Afghanistan continued, however. -
George H. W. Bush *Fall of the Berlin Wall*
Germany reunification: East Germany ceased to exist, The Soviet Union withdrew its troops from what was East Germany, British, French and US troops remained in Western Germany. -
Bill Clinton * Brady Handgun Bill*
that imposed an interim five-day waiting period for the purchase of a handgun until 1998, when federally licensed dealers would be required to use a federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to conduct background checks on individuals purchasing any firearm. -
Bill Clinton *NAFTA*
North American Free Trade Agreement; allows open trade with US, Mexico, and Canada