Executive Branch

By Nadeem
  • George Washington-Whiskey Rebellion

    George Washington-Whiskey Rebellion
  • George Washington-Pinckney's treaty

    George Washington-Pinckney's treaty
  • George Washington-Jay treaty

    George Washington-Jay treaty
  • George Washington-treaty of tripoli

    George Washington-treaty of tripoli
  • John Adams-XYZ affair

    John Adams-XYZ affair
  • John Adams-alien and sedition acts passed

    John Adams-alien and sedition acts passed
  • John Adams-Treaty of Mortefontaine

    John Adams-Treaty of Mortefontaine
  • Thomas Jefferson-Louisiana purchase

    Thomas Jefferson-Louisiana purchase
  • Thomas Jefferson-Marbury v Madison

    Thomas Jefferson-Marbury v Madison
  • Thomas Jefferson-embargo act of 1807

    Thomas Jefferson-embargo act of 1807
  • James Madison- War of 1812

    James Madison- War of 1812
  • James Madison-star spangled banner written

    James Madison-star spangled banner written
  • James Monroe-era of good feelings

    James Monroe-era of good feelings
  • James Monroe-Adams-onis treaty

    James Monroe-Adams-onis treaty
  • James Monroe-Missouri compromise

    James Monroe-Missouri compromise
  • James Monroe-monroe doctrine

    James Monroe-monroe doctrine
  • John Quincy Adams-Tariff of Abominations

    John Quincy Adams-Tariff of Abominations
  • Martin Van Buren-Panics of 1837 and 1839

    Martin Van Buren-Panics of 1837 and 1839
  • James K. Polk-Oregon treaty

    James K. Polk-Oregon treaty
  • James K. Polk-treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    James K. Polk-treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  • James K. Polk-Mexican American war

    James K. Polk-Mexican American war
  • Zachary Taylor-Clayton-Bulwer treaty

    Zachary Taylor-Clayton-Bulwer treaty
  • Franklin Pierce-Gadsden purchase

    Franklin Pierce-Gadsden purchase
  • Franklin Pierce-kanagawa treaty

    Franklin Pierce-kanagawa treaty
  • Abraham Lincoln-Civil War

    Abraham Lincoln-Civil War
  • Abraham Lincoln-Gettysburg address

    Abraham Lincoln-Gettysburg address
  • Andrew Johnson-Alaska purchase treaty

    Andrew Johnson-Alaska purchase treaty
  • Andrew Johnson-Reconstruction

    Andrew Johnson-Reconstruction
  • Chester A. Arthur-Chinese exclusion act

    Chester A. Arthur-Chinese exclusion act
  • William McKinley-Hawaiian annexation

    William McKinley-Hawaiian annexation
  • William McKinley-Boxer rebellion

    William McKinley-Boxer rebellion
  • William McKinley-gold standard act passed

    William McKinley-gold standard act passed
  • William McKinley-open door policy

    William McKinley-open door policy
  • Theodore Roosevelt-Big Stick Diplomacy

    Theodore Roosevelt-Big Stick Diplomacy
  • Theodore Roosevelt-Square deal

    Theodore Roosevelt-Square deal
  • Theodore Roosevelt-food and drug act passed

    Theodore Roosevelt-food and drug act passed
  • Theodore Roosevelt-algeciras conference

    Theodore Roosevelt-algeciras conference
  • William Howard Taft-Dollar diplomacy

    William Howard Taft-Dollar diplomacy
  • Woodrow Wilson-Federal Reserve Act

    Woodrow Wilson-Federal Reserve Act
  • Woodrow Wilson-Veracruz incident

    Woodrow Wilson-Veracruz incident
  • Woodrow Wilson-Zimmermann telegram

    Woodrow Wilson-Zimmermann telegram
  • Woodrow Wilson-14 points

    Woodrow Wilson-14 points
  • Woodrow Wilson-19th amendment passed

    Woodrow Wilson-19th amendment passed
  • Warren G. Harding-Washington naval conference

    Warren G. Harding-Washington naval conference
  • Calvin Coolidge-Dawes Plan

    Calvin Coolidge-Dawes Plan
  • Calvin Coolidge-Kellogg-briand pact

    Calvin Coolidge-Kellogg-briand pact
  • Herbert Hoover-stock market crash

    Herbert Hoover-stock market crash
  • Herbert Hoover-smoot-hawley tariff

    Herbert Hoover-smoot-hawley tariff
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt-new deal

    Franklin D. Roosevelt-new deal
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt-Neutrality act of 1937

    Franklin D. Roosevelt-Neutrality act of 1937
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt-Great depression ended

    Franklin D. Roosevelt-Great depression ended
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt-Atlantic charter

    Franklin D. Roosevelt-Atlantic charter
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt-G.I. bill first passed

    Franklin D. Roosevelt-G.I. bill first passed
  • Harry S. Truman-Potsdam conference

    Harry S. Truman-Potsdam conference
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt-Yalta conference

    Franklin D. Roosevelt-Yalta conference
  • Harry Truman-Marshall plan

    Harry Truman-Marshall plan
  • Harry S. Truman-Korean war began

    Harry S. Truman-Korean war began
  • Harry Truman-Fair deal

    Harry Truman-Fair deal
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower-New look policy

    Dwight D. Eisenhower-New look policy
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower-SEATO

    Dwight D. Eisenhower-SEATO
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower-brown v board of education

    Dwight D. Eisenhower-brown v board of education
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower doctrine

    Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower doctrine
  • John F. Kennedy-Alliance for progress

    John F. Kennedy-Alliance for progress
  • John F. Kennedy-Peace corps

    John F. Kennedy-Peace corps
  • Bay of pigs invasion

    Bay of pigs invasion
  • John F. Kennedy-Cuban missile crisis

    John F. Kennedy-Cuban missile crisis
  • Lyndon Johnson-Gulf of Tonkin resolution

    Lyndon Johnson-Gulf of Tonkin resolution
  • Lyndon B. Johnson-civil rights act of 1965

    Lyndon B. Johnson-civil rights act of 1965
  • Lyndon B. Johnson-great society

    Lyndon B. Johnson-great society
  • Lyndon B. Johnson-Tet offensive

    Lyndon B. Johnson-Tet offensive
  • Richard Nixon-SALT

    Richard Nixon-SALT
  • Richard Nixon-EPA created

    Richard Nixon-EPA created
  • Richard Nixon-Detente

    Richard Nixon-Detente
  • Richard Nixon-Watergate

    Richard Nixon-Watergate
  • Gerald Ford-fall of Saigon

    Gerald Ford-fall of Saigon
  • Jimmy Carter-Camp David accords

    Jimmy Carter-Camp David accords
  • Jimmy Carter-Iran hostage crisis

    Jimmy Carter-Iran hostage crisis
  • Jimmy Carter-Moscow Olympics boycott

    Jimmy Carter-Moscow Olympics boycott
  • Ronald Reagan-strategic defense initiative

    Ronald Reagan-strategic defense initiative
  • Ronald Reagan-Iran-Contra affair

    Ronald Reagan-Iran-Contra affair
  • George H.W. Bush-Persian Gulf War

    George H.W. Bush-Persian Gulf War
  • George H. W. Bush-fall of the berlin wall

    George H. W. Bush-fall of the berlin wall
  • Bill Clinton-Oslo accords

    Bill Clinton-Oslo accords
  • Bill Clinton-NAFTA

    Bill Clinton-NAFTA
  • Bill Clinton-Brady handgun bill passed

    Bill Clinton-Brady handgun bill passed
  • George W. Bush-9/11

    George W. Bush-9/11
  • George W. Bush-patriot act passed

    George W. Bush-patriot act passed
  • George W. Bush-peaceful atomic energy cooperation act year

    George W. Bush-peaceful atomic energy cooperation act year
  • Barack Obama-affordable care act

    Barack Obama-affordable care act
  • Barack Obama-joint comprehensive plan of action

    Barack Obama-joint comprehensive plan of action