Future artificial intelligence robot cyborg

Technology Progression

  • Apple Computer

    Apple Computer
    Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Inc., and computer designer Steve Wozniak, created the first 8-bit motherboard personal computer known as the Apple 1. The company was originally formed to sell the Apple 1 as their first product, only to end up rising as the richest company in the world.
  • WIFI

    Wireless network protocols intended for local area networking. The earliest works of this technology was used through radio waves.
  • iPhone

    First smartphone released by Apple Inc. that revolutionized the electronic industry.
  • Chromebook

    Samsung announces and releases their first digital personal laptop that was intended to be easy to transport.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    Apple Inc. released this smartwatch with the purpose of reducing the amount of time spent on their phones by making telecommunication more human. This quickly became the best-selling wearable device with over 100 million sold.