Charles Babbage Invents the Steam-Powered Calclulator
Herman Hollerith Invents Punch Cards
Punch Cards used punched holes to store digital data, and were first used in the 1890 census. -
HP Founded
HP was founded in Palo Alto, CA by William R. Hewlett and David Packard on this date. -
Alan Turing Invents the Modern Computer
Gace Hopper Co-Develops COBOL
During this year, Grace Hopper lead the team that developed progamming language COBOL. -
Apple Founded
Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in Los Altos, CA -
Douglas Engelbart Develops Basic GUI
GUI is created by Alan Kay and Douglas Engelbart at Xerox PARC. -
First iPhone Released
First Chromebook Shipped
After being announced in May, the first Chromebook was shipped on this date. -
Apple Watch Released
After this, the Apple Watch became the best selling wearable device ever.