Alexis de Tocqueville's trip to America
Democracy in America published
The Great Potato Famine
Elevators invented by Henry Waterman
Transcontinental Railroad Completed
The Gilded Age published
Chinese Exclusion Act
Interstate Commerce Commission
Wounded Knee Massacre
Frederick Jackson Turner delivers the Turner Thesis
The Frontier Thesis, or Turner Thesis, is delivered at the American History Association conference
Depression of 1893
Immigration Restriction League is established
Pullman Strike occurs
The USS Maine exploded
Spanish American War
The Teller Amendment is added to the declaration of war on Spain
Anti-Imperial League is established
The Battle of San Juan Hill occurs
Treaty of Paris is signed, which ends the Spanish-American war
Thorstein Veblen published the Theory of the Leisure Class
Theory of the Leisure Class published
Simon Patten publishes his first book, the Theory of Prosperity
The Panama Canal is started
The Treaty of Portsmouth
The Great White Fleet begins its journey around the globe.
Henry Adams publishes his book The Education of Henry Adams