Stockholm conference
a final peace conference of three about anti war. -
Mercury poisoning causes a neurological disease, seeping out factories for years. -
James Lovelocks gaia
The Gaia Theory offers insights into climate change, energy, health, agriculture, and other issues of great, if not urgent, importance. -
silent spring
a novel about pesticides causing a silent morning -
club of Rome
The Club of Rome is an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference. -
major disaster, 50 thousand died. -
rainbow warrior
the ship was sunk as a result of bombing, one person died. -
nuclear disaster -
our common future
United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development was published in 1987. -
Agenda 21
Agenda 21 is a an action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development -
Kyto climate change
An international treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions -
Rio earth summit
major united nations conference held in Rio -
Johannesburg world summit
It was convened to discuss sustainable development by the United Nations. -
An inconvenient truth
campaign to raise public awareness of the dangers of global warming and calls for immediate action to curb its destructive effects on the environment. -
it was a united nations climate change conference which resulted in the agreement of "taking note of the situation"