Edward Wilson
On June 10, 1929 Edward Wilson was born in Birmingham, Alabama. -
Richard Dawkins
On March 26, 1941 Richard Dawkins was born in Nairobi, Kenya. -
Wilson - Decutar Senior High School
Edward Wilson graduated from Decatur Senior High School in Decatur, Alabama. -
Wilson - Bachelor of Science
Edward Wilson studied at the Univesity of Alabama and it was here that he got his bachelor of science in biology. -
Dawkins - England
In 1949 Richard Dawkins returned to England with his family. -
Wilson - Master of Science
Wilson continued his studies and got his Master of Science degree in biology in the year 1950. -
Wilson - Ph.D.
Edward Wilson went on to study at Harvard where he earned his Ph.D. in Biology in 1955. -
Wilson - Character Displacement
First explained by Edward Wilson and William L. Brown it is where the differences among similar species whose distributions overlap geographically are accentuated in regions where the species co0occur but are minimized or lost where the species do not overlap (wikkipedia.org). -
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Wilson - Harvard Studies
Between 1956 and 1976 Edward Wilson was a part of the biology and zoology faculty at Harvard University. -
Dawkins - Oxford University
In 1962 Richard Dawkins graduated from Oxford University. -
Dawkins - Doctorate
Richard Dawkins was studying under Niko Tinbergen at Oxford University and this is where he recieved his doctorate degree, -
Wilson - The Theory of Island Biogeography
Edward Wilson worked with Robert MacArthur to develop this book on island biogeography. -
Dawkins - Unviersity of California
Richard Dawkins was now at the University of California where is was an Assistant Professor of Zoology. -
Wilson - Cleveland Research Prize
Presented by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. -
Wilson - The Insect Societies
"The Insect Societies" was published because of Wilson's definitive work on ants and other social insects. The book provided a comprehensive picture of their ecology, population dynamics and social behaviour.(britanica.com). -
Wilson - Sciobiology: The New Synthesis
The term "sociobiology" was populized by Wilson in an attempt to explain the evloutionary mechanics behind social behaviours. (Wikkipedia.com). -
Wilson - National Medal of Science
In 1976, Wilson won the National Medal of Science, an award handed out for outstanding contributions in a field of science. -
Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
Dawkins explains in this book that genes are not selfish in the sense that they are driven by motive or will, but rather that their effects can be described as if they were. -
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Wilson - Professor Frank B. Baird
Wilson continued his studies at Harvard but was now Frank B. Baird, professor of science at the university. -
Wilson - On Human Nature
This book by Edward Wilson tries to explain how different characteristics of humans can be explain from the point of veiw of evolution. -
Wilson - Pulitzer Prize
Won for his work on the non-fiction book "On Human Nature". -
Wilson - Genes, Mind and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process
This was the first book that introduced the idea of gene-culture coevolution. -
Dawkins - The Extended Phenotype
The extended phenotype is the idea that sphenotype should not be limited to biological processes, but extended to include all effects that a gene has on its enviroment, inside or outside of the body of the individual organism. -
Wilson - Biophilia
In this book, Wilson popularized the hypothesis that suggests that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and other living systems.(wikkipedia.com). -
Dawkins - The Blind Watchmaker
In this book, Dawkins presents and explanation of, and argument for, the theory of evolution by means of natural selection.(wikkipedia.com). -
Wilson - International Prize for Biology, Government of Japan