Web 1.0
First implementation of the web. This web provided little interaction where consumers can exchange the information together but it was not possible to interact with a website. It was referred to as the first generation of World Wide Web. Web 1.0 includes core web protocols including HTML, HTTP, and URL. It has read only content, establishes an online presence and makes information available to anyone at anytime, and includes static web pages and uses basic Hypertext Mark-up Languages. -
Web 2.0
Defined as a read-write web. Allows assembling and managing large global crowds with common interest in social interactions. Facilities major properties like participatory, collaborative, and distributed practices which enable formal and in-formal spheres of daily activities on going on web. Can be defined as technology centric(technology associated with blogs, wikis, etc), business centric (a way of architecting software and businesses), and user centric (the social web). -
Web 3.0
The executable Web. Was designed to define structure data and link them in order to more effective discovery, automation, integration, and reuse across various application. It is able to improve data management, support accessibility of mobile internet, simulate creativity and innovation, encourage factor of globalization phenomena, enhance customers' satisfaction, and help to organize collaboration in the social web. -
Web 4.0
Web 4.0 services will be autonomous, proactive, content-exploring, self-learning, collaborative, and content-generating agents based on fully matured semantic and reasoning technologies as well as AI. They will support adaptive content presentation that will use the Web database via an intelligent agent. Characteristics include knowledge networks, smart marketplaces, decentralized communities, semantic weblogs, life logs, group minds, and enterprise minds. -
Web 5.0
Sensory-Emotive Web or sentient web. Everything is synchronized with time and web services which all revolve around time and bringing time based services to the user via what ever new methods happen to be available. Designed to develop computers that interact with human beings.