the very first cell phone
the first cell phone was invented by martin cooper, he was a motorola researcher. the first phone was boxy, heavy, and by today's standards ugly. these kind of phones came out 2 more times an each time getting smaller and easier to use. -
the nokIa GSM
the Nokia GSM was invented next and that phone was heavy. it was used for making calls and it made it so you didn't have carry around a heavy block of plastic. this phone was even more revolutionary for the reason that it wasn't big and square. it was small and simple -
the simon personal communicator
this phone was made more for business, but it was also very stylish for its time. -
Period: to
the nokia era
from 2002 to 2004 was the nokia era. most people had bought a nokia. people were buying so many of these because nokia was remaking the same phone with a different exterior design -
the first blackberry
the first black berry was made in 2003. since the nokia was taking up so many buyers they didn't really hit it big until about 6 years later -
the motorola
when the motorola came out in 2004 a lot of people left the nokia and got the razor. it was the first modern flip phone -
the first 3g phone
the first 3g phone was the HTC universal. it was like a hand held computer. -
the blackberry pearl
the black berry pear was a non flip phone and it was for business use and personal -
the Iphone
the first ever iphone came out. it was the first ever smart phone. it was able to do everything, call, text, email, have blue tooth.