Hans Lippershey invents the telescope
Hans Lippershey invented the telescope. He was a spectacle maker. -
Galileo uses a telescope to look at the night sky
Galileo looked at the night sky through a telescope. He discovered that Jupiter was a planet and there were moons revolving around it. He also found that the earth was not the center of the Solar System. -
Isaac Newton revises the telescope
Isaac Newton invents a telescope that uses mirrors instead of lenses. It produces much clearer images than the telescopes with lenses. -
William Herschel builds a bigger telescope
Herschel makes a large telescope by hand. He discovered Uranus -
Mt. WIlson Observatory
The Mt. Wilson observatory is founded by George Hale. It hosts the world's largest telescope until 1949. The observatory in in California. -
Edwin Hubble discovers red shift
Edwin Hubble discovered that everything in the universe is expanding away from a point. Other galaxies appeared to be red- which meant the light waves were being stretched and the galaxies were moving away. This discovery fueled the big bang theory. -
Discovery of Cosmic Background Radiation.
Two scientists Penzias and Wilson detect radiation in space. At first they thought their instruments were malfunctioning, but they realized it was actually energy leftover from the big bang. -
THe Hubble Telescope
THe Hubble Telescope is launched into space. It takes high resolution images of things in space. Hubble observations have led to discoveries such as the rate that the universe is expanding. -
WMAP is launched
WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) is launched into space. It measured the difference in temperature of Cosmic Background Radiation across space. -
Kepler Telescope is Launched
Kepler was launched to discover Earth-like palnets orbiting other stars. It was named after astronomer Johannes Kepler