John Newlands has organized the only known 56 elements into 11 seperate groups based on the structure of the atom. -
Dimitri Mendellev used John Newlands' method of grouping and the way of grouping elements into what they are now known in their periodic groups. They had been arranged in rows and columns, he left spaces for elements that had yet to be discovered! -
Sir Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh discovered the noble gases and added these to the periodic table as group O. -
Antoine Becquerel found out that electrons and beta particles were the same thing... -
1809 - By this time 47 elements had been discovered and name, scientists started to see patterns in atom structures! -
Ernest Rutherford had discovered that electrons' orbit and he found out that the electrons in the outer bit were in more supply compared to the inner orbit. -
Ernest Rutherford has found out that protons were in the nucleus! -
Henry Moseley labeled the elements with atomic numbers based on the number of electrons in the atom rather than their atomic mass! -
James Chadwick discovered neutrons and identifies isotopes. -
A man named James Chadwick discovered neutrons identified Isotopes.