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Evolution of the Media

  • Jan 1, 1439

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    This was the creation of the first printing press, this was a revolutionary invention and had quickened up the process in which it takes to print media onto paper, however at the time only 5% of the world was literate
  • Magazines

    Technology has advanced to a point where magazines were created efficiently enough so that most of the audience was able to read it. This is a time where most of the population was able to read
  • Newspapers

    Technology had advanced to a point where media was able to be published daily, this allows the public the react to a major situation the day right after.
  • Telephone

    The invention of a telephone meant that news could be spread around a lot quicker, not only to mass media outlets but the public and people were allowed to converse between one another further spreading day to day situations
  • Radio

    The invention of the radio allowed for even faster transportation of media, this meant that the general public was able to obtain information about the happenings around them. At first this was expensive, but the price went down as America lowered the cost as the radio was used as propaganda against Hitler and Germany
  • Television

    The television was the first live and viewable form of media. It allowed for millions of people around the country to tune in and see what happened around the world. It allowed the public to be in-tune and aware of the happenings around them.
  • Internet

    The internet was firstly made so that the American Army could contact each other in real time, but the internet's popularity grew and now currently there are over 3 billion users.