Mar 14, 1500
Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura was a pinhole camera. A pinhole camera is a device that shows optical images. It is typically shaped like a box and has a small hole on one side which makes an image of the outside world. It was invented by Ibn al-Haytham. http://photodoto.com/camera-history-timeline/ & http://www.pinhole.cz/en/pinholecameras/whatis.html -
Daguerreotype Camera
The Daguerreotype Camera was invented by Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre. It was the first commercially successful camera and most expensive. It produced a sharp and detailed image. The Daguerreotype camera had a mirror-like piece inserted to take the picture. This made the camera fragile and heavy. http://www.daguerreobase.org/en/knowledge-base/what-is-a-daguerreotype -
Kodak Brownie
The Kodak Brownie was designed by Frank A. Brownwell and manufactured by the Eastman Kodak Company. The Kodak Brownie was sold at $1 and allowed amateurs to take their own photos and the term snapshot was born. https://www.fi.edu/history-resources/kodak-brownie-camera -
Raise Camera (Travel Camera)
This camera was extremely light weight. It was portable due to the camera being able to fold into itself. The Raise camera was invented by Furror & Excelisor Co. http://photodoto.com/camera-history-timeline/ -
Leica 1
The Leica 1 was the first camera to use 35mm film. It was also know as a candid camera. It quickly became the most desirable camera of the 1920s. The Leica 1 was developed by Oskar Barnack. http://www.shutterbug.com/content/leica-i-camera-change-photography -
Polaroid (Model 95)
The Polaroid was invented by Edwin Land. Polaroid Cameras could take a picture and then print it out instantaneously. The first Polaroid to make it in stores was Model 95. Model 95 was used as the building blocks for the Polaroids to come. https://www.bu.edu/prc/forms/polatimeline.pdf -
The Kodak DCS SLR was the first digital camera to hit stores. It was invented by Bryce Bayer. The film chamber of older models had been replaced by a sensor and wires. http://www.popphoto.com/gear/2013/10/30-most-important-digital-cameras -
Cameras Today
There are a variety of cameras, from compact cameras that are light and good for beginners to the 35mm for professionals and outstanding picture quality. Cameras can also be found on smartphones where the quality gets better every new smartphone model. Soon smartphones may replace cameras. http://www.r-photoclass.com/03-different-types-of-cameras/