Evolution of Technology

  • First Successful Radio Broadcast

    First Successful Radio Broadcast
    The scheduled broadcast was made by Pittsburgh's Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. This broadcast was used to announce the live results of the Presidential Election, which was between Warren G. Harding and James Cox.
  • The Car Radio is Invented

    The Car Radio is Invented
    The first car radio was invented by Paul Galvin and Jim Fosgate, and was picked up by the company Heinaphone Corp.This company eventually became Philco and was later acquired by Philips.
  • First Successful Television Broadcast

    First Successful Television Broadcast
    It was broadcasted by Philo Farnsworth, and later that year, he patented his technology and his idea.
  • Stop Action Photography is Invented

    Stop Action Photography is Invented
    Harold Edgerton was the person to invent this type of photography. Stop action photography also ended up paving the way for modern types of ultra-speed photography.
  • Polaroid Photography Invented

    Polaroid Photography Invented
    Edwin H. Land was not only the person to invent the polaroid camera, but he was the first person to make a camera that could develop pictures instantly and without a dark room.
  • First Electronic Digital Computer is Invented

    First Electronic Digital Computer is Invented
    The inventor, John Vincent Atanasoff, obviously paved the way for countless modern technologies. He also used to be a professor of mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering at Iowa State.
  • Colour Television is Publicly Demonstrated

    Colour Television is Publicly Demonstrated
    Colour television was invented by John Logie Bard. Sadly, colour television wasn't available commercially for another ten years, and most TV stations didn't fully change to colour until at least the 70's.
  • First Wide Screen Movie Released

    First Wide Screen Movie Released
    The inventor of the widescreen movie was Spyros Skouras, and the first widescreen movies made were Henry Koster's The Robe (1953) and How to Marry a Millionaire (1953).
  • The First Commercial Video Camera is Released

    The First Commercial Video Camera is Released
    This system was named Quadruplex videotape, and it was produced by Ampex. This video camera was the first step into video recording at home, and was a huge stepping stone for what we have today.
  • First Video Game is Invented

    First Video Game is Invented
    This game was similar to the classic tennis game we still ply today, and was invented by William Higinbotham.
  • The Computer Mouse is Demonstrated for the First Time

    The Computer Mouse is Demonstrated for the First Time
    This was considered a very experimental technology at the time, even though to us it seems very inefficient and clunky, and it was created by Douglas Englebart. The mouse also paved the way for other tech add-ons in later years.
  • The Optical Disc is Patented by the U.S.

    The Optical Disc is Patented by the U.S.
    The inventor of the optical disc (or CD, as most people call it), David Paul Gregg, was a huge stepping point for portable music and entertainment, kind of like what we have now.
  • The First Personal Computer is Made

    The First Personal Computer is Made
    It was invented by John Blankenbaker, produced by a small firm called MITS, used Intel Corporation's 8080 microprocessor and was named the Altair.
  • The First Digital Camera is Made

    The First Digital Camera is Made
    The inventor of the first still instant camera, Steven Sasson, is still alive to this day, and is an electrical engineer in New York.
  • First Macintosh Computer is Invented

    First Macintosh Computer is Invented
    Started by Jef Raskin and taken over by Steve Jobs, the first macintosh computer kicked off an era of a world full of Apple products. It was also the first mass-marketed all-in-one computer (graphic user interface, built-in screen and mouse)
  • The World Wide Web is Invented

    The World Wide Web is Invented
    The inventor of the WWW, Tim Berners-Lee, originally intended it to be a document management system when he invented it at CERN. Now it is the basis of almost all websites.
  • The First SMS Text Message is Sent

    The First SMS Text Message is Sent
    Sent by Neil Papworth, the first SMS message was sent in December and simply read "Merry Christmas". This invention was huge, started an era of texting, and made a technology popular that we still use today.
  • Amazon is Founded

    Amazon is Founded
    Amazon was founded by the world-famous Jeff Bezos, in Bellevue, Washington, United States. This online company started an era of online shopping and digital goods.
  • Google is Founded

    Google is Founded
    Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google in Menlo Park, California, United States. This company basically made the internet famous, creating a software and a search engine so strong that it is still used today.
  • First Blackberry Smartphone Released

    First Blackberry Smartphone Released
    The first ever smartphone was manufactured by Blackberry and paved the way for the next 20 years to be fully dependent on cell phones and instant communication. Fun Fact: My dad was working at Blackberry when this was released!
  • First iPhone Released

    First iPhone Released
    The first ever iPhone was unveiled at the Macworld convention in San Francisco. Manufactured by Apple, the iPhone is now so popular that 23.4% of people worldwide have one.
  • Android Operating System is Launched

    Android Operating System is Launched
    This system was invented by Andy Rubin, Nick Sears, and Rich Miner. Although Apple has taken over in the cell phone industry, Android systems are still very used around the world
  • Siri is Released

    Siri is Released
    Siri was invented by Adam Cheyer, and in my opinion, is one of the most useful features on an iPhone that Apple has ever released.
  • Alexa is Released

    Alexa is Released
    Although Alexa (manufactured by Amazon) was a bit of a copycat, it was still a great invention for Amazon to invest in and they've sold over 100 million of them so far.