Evolution of Technology

  • Evolution in Racing - Formula 1

    Evolution in Racing - Formula 1
    Lotus introduced a revolutionary design, a car with an aluminium monocoque chassis instead of the traditional space frame design, taken to be as one of the most significant technological breakthroughs.
  • Space Exploration - First Man to Walk on the Moon

    Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon.
  • First Video Game

    Nolan Bushnell introduced the first computer video game, Pong.
  • Advancements in European Cars and Racing Cars

    Advancements in European Cars and Racing Cars
    Lotus unveiled a new system of active suspension, signalling the start of the increase of electronic driver aids.
  • The Internet

    The World Wide Web was developed by the efforts of Tim Berners-Lee and physics researchers at CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics) in Geneva Switzerland.
  • Water on Mars

    Water on Mars
    NASA announced that based on a new study using high resolution photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, scientist have spotted gullies and trenches and fanlike deltas that could have been carved by fast-moving water flowing down cliffs and the steep walls of craters.
  • Map of Human Genome

    Map of Human Genome
    Detailed mapping of the human genome has been completed by teams around the world. This map provides a detailed look at some 90% of the human genome. Scientists will be able to use this map to find and sequence genes.
  • Biggest Search Engine

    Biggest Search Engine
    The Google search engine now has over 3 billion documents on the web, being the largest search engine available.
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    The first Apple Iphone is released to the public
  • Greatest Mobile Platform

    Greatest Mobile Platform
    Google releases Android. Android is the world's most popular mobile platform.
  • Iphone 5 Launch

    Iphone 5 Launch
    Apple Iphone 5 hits the market
  • Motoring Evolution - The "Greatest" Supercar

    Motoring Evolution - The "Greatest" Supercar
    The Pagani Huayra is capable of withstanding 1.66 g of lateral acceleration at speeds of up to 230 mph. It has a twin turbo Mercedes-Benz's AMG V12 engine capable of producing almost 800 bhp
  • Worlds Most Expensive Weapon

    Worlds Most Expensive Weapon
    The worlds most advanced and most expensive aircraft fighter jet, the F-35, is brought into the Pentagons possesion
  • Jumping From the Edge of Space

    Jumping From the Edge of Space
    Felix Baumgartner litteraly jumps from the edge of space, freefalling over 39 km., reaching an estimated speed of 1357.64 km/h. His spacesuit allows him to withstand the preasure and high speeds of this stunt.