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evolution of Six Sigma

  • Uniformity system

    Uniformity system
    • Introduced by Eli Whitney in 1798
    • Created a necessity for measuring dimensions
    • Evolved into specifications
  • Moving assembly line

    Moving assembly line
    • Introduced by Henry Ford in 1913
    • Highlighted the importance of part consistency
    • Led to the sampling method, replacing 100% inspection
  • Control charts

    Control charts
    • Introduced by Walter Shewhart in 1924
    • Signaled the age of statistical quality control
  • Quality movement

    Quality movement
    • Introduced by the Japanese in 1945
    • Pioneered the usage of data to quantify variation
    • Ensures integration of quality across all levels of an organization
  • Customer Centric Products

    Customer Centric Products
    • Japanese focused on eliminating defects and reducing cycle time
      • Resulted in production of high-quality, efficient, and customer-centric products
  • .Zero defects

    .Zero defects
    • Was introduced by Philip Crosby in 1980
    • Led to perfection in a product, process, or service is attainable.
  • Quality standards

    Quality standards
    • Introduced by the International Organization for + Standardization (ISO) in 1987
    • Led to uniformity in quality practices across countries
  • Six Sigma

    Six Sigma
    • Motorola wins the first Malcolm Baldrige National +Quality Award in 1987 Led to the present Six Sigma methodology