Evolution of the education system

By yortiz4
  • The first public school

    The first public school
    The first public school in America opened in Boston, Massachusetts known as the Boston Latin School. This was an all-boys school opened to show them college preparation. This is different from the school in England where they taught them about the Latin and Greek and was centered on the humanities. There were well-known alumni that attended this school, such as Benjamin Franklin although he did not finish school.
  • Education in 1790

    Education in 1790
    Pennsylvania's constitution declared public schools would be open for the poor allowing them to receive free education. People with a higher status would continue to pay for their child's education. In Virginia Thomas Jefferson had proposed there be a plan set in order for children to receive basic education for three years, then anyone who showed promise would continue their education for the next three years.
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    Plessy V Ferguson
    In 1896 Plessy v Ferguson has passed, a policy that established segregation, which ultimately affected the school system. It impacted the lives of many people in America, not only was segregation done in public but also in public school. Children were being separated based off of their race. African Americans were not given the equal education as a white child which affected their education.
  • Brown v the board of education

    Brown v the board of education
    Segregation was constituted in 1896 for both schools and public places. After 58 years it was outlawed in schools. Brown v the board of education was a monumental time that allowed the law to be overturned because it was found that segregation in public school was unconstitutional. This allowed children to be placed together as one in a classroom setting as equals. After this overturn law, a year later we would hear about Rosa Park Brown v the board of directors set a movement in place.
  • Title IX

    Title IX was a follow up from the civil rights act of 1964, t prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government. This impacted schools that were seeing an increase in female students joining sports and starting to see interest in developing programs for women activist.
  • Plyler v Doe

    Texas legislature revised its education laws to leave out undocumented children from attending and receiving education withholding state funds. This went against the 14th amendment. Children were going to be denied education because of an immigration status they could not control, thus taking away their equal right to education. With the passing of Plyler v Doe, it gave undocumented children back the equal right to attend school.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    Before Education of all Handicapped Children Act, children were denied access to education to any children who were deaf, blind, emotionally disturbed, or had an intellectual disability. With the act's passing there has been significant improvement providing 7.5 million children with special education and services designed to meet their needs. Early intervention services are also provided to infants, toddlers and their families. ESA has positively allowed families to benefit and support children
  • DACA

    Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was established by the Obama administration in 2019. This program protects immigrants, allowing them to apply for a driver’s license, social security number, and work permit. Since DACA was established there has been an increase in high school attendance and graduation. It protects children from deportation and would allow them to continue their education.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    The previous version of the law, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act was established in 2002, President Obama then initiated the ESSA Act. This act reflects on fully preparing all students for success in college and careers. It requires all students to be taught to the highest standards that will prepare them for success. Annual assessments the overall community to measure the progress children are making towards these standards. It has made a positive effect on children's education.
  • Education Now

    Although there have been many strides in education there are still gaps that need to be addressed. When the pandemic hit the U.S schools that had a high volume of minorities were a full year behind a predominately white school. There has also been a major delay in the educational gap when looking at the low- and high-income household because of the limited resources they have or are given. Although the pandemic seems to have passed the education system is still behind.