Apple II
1) First succesful mirco computer
2) 8-bit display
3) Used Data Cassete -
IBM Acorn
1) IBM's first PC
2) Constructed using all third party parts
3) 1983 Time Magazine's Man of Year -
Apple Lisa
1) First PC to use GUI (Graphical User Interface)
2) Release price of $9995 (About $23,103 today)
3) Project failed badly due to unaffordable product -
Apple Macintosh
1) First affordable PC from Apple
2) First PC to have a mouse
3) Set off a chain reaction in the PC world. -
Microsoft releases Windows
1)Miosoft's operating systems that changed the interface of PCs
3)There are 1.25 Billion PCs worldwide that run Windows -
Pentium Microproccesor
1) High end microprocessors from Intel
2) First affordable Intel microproccesors
3) Relased with 60 MHz -
Microsoft Invests $150 Million in Apple
1) Microsoft gives Apple $150 Million to make Windows compatible on Apple devices
2) First, Apple made Internet Explorer avalible on Mac
3) Later on IOS Apple released Microsoft Office applications on their portable devices -
Wi-Fi Alliance Formed
1)W-Fi Alliance forms and is first succesful wirless packet network
2)In 2009, 14 companies invested over $250 million in patents for Wi-Fi.
3)To this day, some major companies use their own wireless networks listed as WiFi or Wifi which is not the actual original network. -
Mozilla Firefox Release
1) Faster than Internet Explorer at launch and was highly praised.
2) Only 16% of the world uses it as of January 2016.
3) It was originally titled Phoenix -
AMD Athlon 64
1) First ever 64-bit processor
2) Third processor in the legendary line of AMD processors
3) AMD releases five more Athlon 64 bit processors over the next six years -
iPhone Releases
1) Revolutionary phone and MP3 player combined and was the start of something great in the technology world
2) As of december 2015, there are about 682 million iPhone users worldwide.
3) At it's release, it was only avalible through AT&T. -
Oculus Rift
1) First affordable VR system
2) It revelutionized the gaming world by being able to play your games in complete 3d in a virtual realtiy world
3) It is the first VR system ever to be aimed at the general public -
Lexus Hoverboard Releases
1) First actual hoverboard.
2) Completly controlled by smartphones.
3) Made by Lexus -
First PC made on Mars
1) First man made PC on another planet.
2) Nothing super fancy, just the old school 4k graphics from about two decades earlier on Earth...... -
1) The futuristic holograms are now here and are open to the public for a low cost of 4,000.
2) Used for most home desktop Pcs it is very fun and helpful to use.