Evolution of Special Effects by Jessica Resnick

  • The first time the subsititution shot was used

    The first time the subsititution shot was used
    In "The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots," was the first time the substitution shot was used and was used for decapitating a head. A substituion shot is when the camera is stopped and the actors freeze while an object or actor is exchanged for another. In this movie they replaced the actress with a dummy.
  • Period: to


  • The first stop motion used

    The first stop motion used
    The Humpty Dumpty Circus was the first movie to use stop motion. Stop motion is a technique fo special effects, in which a small puppet is moved timely through a range of motions and photographed one frame at a time with each movement
  • First use of an animontronic creature

    First use of an animontronic creature
    "The Eagle's Nest," was the first movie to us an animotronic creature. The stuffed eagle kidnaps a baby and battles the hero.
  • First 3-D movie shown to an audince

    First 3-D movie shown to an audince
    The Power of Love, which was a silent film, was the first 3-D movie that was shown to an audience
  • First movie with dialogue

    First movie with dialogue
    "The Jazz Singer was the first full-length movie with dialague and was a musical
  • first 2-strip Technicolor animation

    first 2-strip Technicolor animation
    The King of Jazz (1930) was the first 2-strip Technicolor animation ever produced
  • First Feature length 3-D movie

    First Feature length 3-D movie
    Bwana Devil was the first feature length 3-D movie and was released in the U.S. in 1952
  • The first interactive computer graphics program

    The first interactive computer graphics program
    Ivan Sutherland invented Sketchpad, which is the first interactive computer graphics program fo designing and engineering applications.
  • Motion Control used

    Motion Control used
    In Star wars space battles were used by motion control which is a camera controlled by a computer, that can be programmed to exactly duplicate the same movement over and over agina With it, multiple elements can be filmed in exactly the same way,
  • first all-digital CGI sequence to appear in a film.

    first all-digital CGI sequence to appear in a film.
    In the move Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, The Genesis Effect illustrated technology able to make a dead planet and was the first all-digital computer generated image to appear in a film.
  • The first fully CG character

    The first fully CG character
    In "Young Sherlock Holmes" it showed the first full computer genterated character which was a medival knight. The 30 second clip took 6 months to make.
  • First CG live animals

    First CG live animals
    Jurassic Park was the first film to use computer generated animals such as the dinosaurs.
  • First full CGI created film

    First full CGI created film
    Toy Story, which took over 4 years to make, was the first entirely computer gernerated image film. It requires 1,000 gigabytes of data and requires 800,000 machine hours of rendering.