Evolution of Media: From Traditional To New Media

  • 130 BCE

    Pre-Industrial Age: Acta Diurna in Rome

    Pre-Industrial Age: Acta Diurna in Rome
    Acta diurna were daily public records in ancient Rome, documenting important events, speeches, and announcements. They were invaluable sources of information for citizens and officials alike, offering a snapshot of daily life and political happenings in the city.
  • Industrial Age:News Paper

    Industrial Age:News Paper
    A newspaper is a printed publication that contains news, articles, and advertisements. It serves as a source of information for the public, covering a wide range of topics such as politics, entertainment, sports, and local events. Personally, I think newspapers play a crucial role in keeping people informed about current events and help facilitate public discourse and awareness.
  • Industrial Age: Motion Picture Photography

    Industrial Age: Motion Picture Photography
    Motion photography in media refers to the technique of capturing a series of still images in rapid succession to create the illusion of movement. It allows photographers to freeze a moment in time or convey a sense of action and dynamism.Personally, I find motion photography to be a fascinating way to capture fleeting moments and bring them to life. It adds a dynamic element to storytelling and can evoke powerful emotions in viewers.
  • Industrial Age: Telegraph

    Industrial Age: Telegraph
    The telegraph was an early form of long-distance communication that used electrical signals to transmit messages over wires. It revolutionized communication by allowing people to send information quickly across vast distances, shrinking the world and connecting people like never before. Its impact paved the way for future advancements in telecommunications and laid the foundation for the interconnected world we live in today.
  • Industrial Age: Morse Code

    Industrial Age: Morse Code
    Morse Code is a method of transmitting text information using sequences of dots and dashes to represent letters, numbers, and punctuation. It's a fascinating communication system that's been used historically in telegraphy and still has applications in modern radio communication.Its simplicity and effectiveness serve as a testament to human ingenuity, highlighting our ability to adapt and innovate in the realm of communication technologies.
  • Electronic Age: Typewriter

    Electronic Age: Typewriter
    Telephones revolutionized communication by allowing people to connect instantly over long distances using electrical signals. They've made staying in touch easier than ever before, transforming how we interact and enabling global connectivity with just the push of a button.
  • Electronic Age: Transistor Radio

    Electronic Age: Transistor Radio
    Transistor Radio revolutionized communication by making portable music and news accessible to people on the go. Its compact design and innovative technology made it an essential part of daily life for many, marking a significant shift in how we interact with media.
  • Industrial Age: Television

    Industrial Age: Television
    Television refers to the era when televisions evolved from analog to digital formats, revolutionizing the way we consume content. It's characterized by the proliferation of high-definition screens, on-demand streaming services, making television more immersive and accessible than ever before. Personally, I find the Electronic Age of Television both exciting and overwhelming, as it offers an endless array of choices but also challenges traditional viewing habits.
  • New Age or Information Age: Computer

    New Age or Information Age: Computer
    Computer refers to the era where computers and technology have become ubiquitous in our daily lives, revolutionizing how we communicate, work, and access information. Personally, I find it fascinating how these advancements have accelerated the pace of innovation and connected us in ways we never thought possible, but also recognize the importance of addressing issues like digital privacy and cybersecurity in this rapidly evolving landscape.
  • New Age or Information Age: Laptop

    New Age or Information Age: Laptop
    Laptop represents the era where portable computing devices have become essential tools for work, communication, and entertainment. Personally, I appreciate the convenience and flexibility that laptops offer, allowing us to stay connected and productive from virtually anywhere, but I also recognize the need to balance screen time with offline activities for overall well-being.
  • New Age or Information Age: Internet

    New Age or Information Age: Internet
    Internet refers to the current era where the digital network has become an indispensable part of everyday life, enabling global communication, access to information, and online services. Personally, I view the Internet as both empowering and challenging, offering endless opportunities for learning and connection while also raising important questions about privacy, cybersecurity, and digital literacy.