
Evolution of media

  • 1445

    Invention of the printing press

    Invention of the printing press
    Gutenburg invents the printing press, this allows media, and news to be spread around of Europe.
  • Photography is introduced

    Photography is introduced
    Now people can have visual physical records of history.
  • Invention of the Telegraph

    Invention of the Telegraph
    People could now communicate through messages, also breaking the barrier of distance.
  • Invention of the telephone

    Invention of the telephone
    People could now communicate by their voice, conversations can now also break the barrier of distance.
  • 1st film is publicly shown

    1st film is publicly shown
    This showed the public the evolution of technology, now documenting the fact that people can store documentation in videos, this scared people as well.
  • 1st radio broadcast in the US

    1st radio broadcast in the US
    The first radio broadcast in the US was a a huge advance, and really the beginning of mass media, as the reporters reached out to many all across the country.
  • Golden age of film - 1920s

    Golden age of film - 1920s
    Hollywood blows up leading to actors becoming national sensations, and famous as possible.
  • T.V. was introduced to homes

    T.V. was introduced to homes
    This was significant, T.V.'s now being in homes leads to mass media via commercials, and news channels being able to reach millions with 1 broadcast.
  • The internet begins

    The internet begins
    The internet is where mass media became one of if not the biggest things in our lives. You could now do a easy search and then gain all the info you could possibly need over a subject.
  • User generated content grows

    User generated content grows
    User generated content, now being probably the thing people watch the most. (Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat) The sites let you reach hundreds of millions of people and let people do their own form of media to a mass audience.