
Evolution of Media

  • 38,000 BCE

    Cave Paintings

    Cave Paintings
    Cave paintings are prehistoric works of art that can be seen on cave walls and ceilings. These date back tens of thousands of years, making them some of the oldest examples of human artistic expression. These artworks offer insightful perspectives into the way of life, ideologies, and customs of past societies. Cave paintings are also known as parietal arts. During the pre-industrial age, the discoveries of fire, paper from plants, and weapons and tools from stone were also evident.
  • 32,000 BCE

    Hieroglyphic Script

    Hieroglyphic Script
    One of the earliest writing systems created by ancient civilizations is hieroglyphic script, which is mostly connected to ancient Egypt. It is made up of a mix of alphabetic and logographic components, where each symbol stands for a phoneme, syllable, or word. It can be found on stone walls. It is also associated with being sacred.
  • 29,000 BCE


    The pith of the Cyperus papyrus plant, which is widely distributed in the marshes of the Nile Delta in Egypt and other parts of Africa, is used to make papyrus, a substance that resembles paper. It was among the first materials used for writing. During the ancient times, it is mainly for writing documents. It is also known for being rolled up into scrolls. It also became the most popular writing for the Arab world.
  • 5000 BCE


    One of the oldest writing systems ever discovered was created about 3500 BCE by the Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia. It is distinguished by wedge-shaped symbols that are imprinted using a stylus, usually made of reeds, onto clay tablets. The Latin terms "cuneus," which means wedge, and "forma," which means shape, are the source of the word "cuneiform." Cuneiform was written on clay tablets. It was used for 3000 years in 15 different languages.
  • 130 BCE

    Acta Diurna

    Acta Diurna
    The Acta Diurna functioned as a channel for informing the public and distributing information about state matters. They talked about everything from births and deaths to governmental appointments, gladiatorial matches, and military successes among other noteworthy occurrences. Although Acta Diurna was more like a public notice or official gazette than an independent journalistic publication, it can nevertheless be regarded as one of the first newspapers.
  • 1439

    First Printing Press

    First Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg created the first printing press with moveable type in the fifteenth century. German inventor Gutenberg is credited with transforming printing technology and enabling the mass production of books. It is a mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium thereby transferring the ink.
  • Telegraph

    A telegraph transmits electric signals over a wire laid between stations. With the use of electrical signals, the telegraph was a groundbreaking communication device that made long-distance message delivery possible. It had a big impact on how information was transferred and shaped international communication networks in the late 19th and early 20th century.
  • Telephones

    Alexander Graham Bell is credited with creating the telephone, and he received a patent for it in 1876. Bell's telephone reproduced speech at a distance by using electrical signals to send sound waves along a line. A communication tool for long-distance sound transmission is the telephone. They let people communicate with each other in real time, no matter where they are in the world.
  • Motion Picture

    Motion Picture
    Motion pictures, sometimes referred to as movies, films, or theaters, are a type of visual storytelling in which a succession of still images is quickly recorded and shown to provide the impression of motion. It's among the most well-liked and significant types of art and entertainment in the contemporary day.
  • Marconi Telegraph

    Marconi Telegraph
    On April 10, 1912, the Royal Mail Titanic set sail. Late at night on April 14, 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank quickly. Through the use of the Marconi Telegraph, the Titanic sent messages to nearby stations asking for help. As it sank on the midnight of April 15, 1912, rescuers were able to save some lives from the incident because of the message sent through the Marconi Telegraph.
  • Television

    Several pioneers and inventors, including Philo Farnsworth, Vladimir Zworykin, and John Logie Baird, are credited with creating television. These innovators created several methods for recording and sending moving pictures, which helped to shape modern television. Television, often abbreviated as TV, is a system for transmitting and receiving visual and audio content. In the contemporary world, it is one of the most significant mass media and communication platforms.
  • Computer

    A computer is an electrical device that uses instructions that are kept in its memory to process data. It is utilized for many different things in daily life, commerce, education, science, and entertainment. It is capable of carrying out a broad range of jobs, from straightforward calculations to intricate calculations.
  • Transistor Radio

    Transistor Radio
    A transistor radio is a portable radio receiver that tunes and amplifies radio signals using circuitry based on transistors. In comparison to older vacuum tube radios, it offered more performance and portability, making it a major breakthrough in radio technology.
  • Cellphone

    A cellphone, sometimes referred to as a mobile phone or cell phone, is a wirelessly operated portable communication device that allows its users to send and receive text messages, make and receive phone calls, access the internet, and carry out some other tasks. Making and receiving phone calls is a cellphone's main use. Mobile phones facilitate not only voice conversations but also text messaging (SMS) and multimedia messaging (MMS).
  • Laptop

    A laptop, sometimes referred to as a notebook computer, is a small, lightweight personal computer that may be used on the road or while traveling. Because of their lightweight and compact form, laptops are convenient to carry about. Usually, they have a clamshell design with a display that is hinged and can be closed to shield the screen and keyboard while being transported.
  • Internet

    The Internet is a global network of connected devices and computers that exchange information with one another via established protocols. It makes it possible to share data, assets, and services over great distances, which promotes global communication, teamwork, and knowledge access. The Internet has numerous advantages, but it also has drawbacks, To address these issues and guarantee a secure, accessible, and welcoming Internet for all users, constant work is needed.