Evolution of Juvenile Justice System

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    Colonial Period and English Puritan Influence

    History of the Juvenile Justice System
    During the 1600s, English colonists brought legal concepts with them from England, including the treatment of juveniles within the criminal justice system.
    Puritan beliefs emphasized strict discipline and the notion of sin. This influenced American attitudes toward juvenile behavior.
    Juvenile's were punished the same as adults to correct their bad behavior.
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    Scholar and Medical Expert influence

    Scholars began to advocate for a more humane approach to juvenile offender.
    Medical experts started to explore the psychological and developmental aspects of juvenile behavior.
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    Parens Patriae, Reformatory Era and Houses of Refuge

    During this era, Parens Patriae became more influenced in rehabilitation instead of punishment.
    The Houses of Refuge focused on provided juveniles with structured environments and focused on education and guidance.
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    Juvenile Probatation

    In the early 1900's instead of punishments or confinements juveniles were put on probation with supervision and individualized treatments.
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    In re Winship, Kent v. United States, In re Gault, McKeiver v. Pennsylvania

    In the mid 90's the Supreme Court established protections and due process for juvenile offenders. This helped balance the states parens patriae role in the rights of juveniles.
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    Evidence Based and Restorative Practices

    Evidence based practices have found that adolescence develop different than adults and should not be held with the same legal punishments and standards. https://us.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/upm-assets/95059_book_item_95059.pdf