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Evolution of Gaming

  • Gaming Begins

    On my fifth birthday I recieved my first gaming console; the Sega Genesis.
  • Collection Builds

    My aunt purchases the Super NES to play at her house.
  • Consoles Get Bigger

    The longest lasting game console.
  • From Cartridge to CD

    My gives me his Playstation 1
  • Hand Held Gaming

    I finally recieve a gameboy color and pokemon yellow, a year after every one else.
  • Playstation Gets Upgraded

    My uncle sells the playstation one and buys and Playstation 2
  • Advanced

    My gameboy color gets upgraded to a Gameboy Advance for Christmas.
  • Why the heck not

    My dad gets off the couch and says "lets just go get and Xbox."
  • Cut The Line

    I spotted a friend who was number 4 in line at target for the Nintendo Wii. Everyone around him was sleeping so I slipped in line to be number 5 to get a Wii. I cut over 30 people.
  • Dual Screen

    My cousins sells me his DS. It was an upgrade to the GBA but the games didnt interest me as much
  • Best Shared Gift EVER

    My brother, my sister, and I all recieved and XBOX 360 for Christmas. i put it in my room.
  • The Dark Knight

    With my refund money from the school my first purchase was a PS3 from gamestop. It came with a badass Dark Knight system cover.
  • The Future

    I picked up my pre-ordered Nintendo 3DS hand held. Gaming never looked so cool.