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Evolution of Evolutionary Thought by Mr. Taylor

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


    512 years of evolutionary theory
  • Oct 28, 1546

    Georgius Agricola challanges contemporary six-day creationism with his study and release of observations on geological and fossil strata in "De Natura Fossilium"

  • Antony van Leeuwenhoek elected a fellow in the Royal Society of London for his work with microscopes. He cleared the way for cell study.

  • John Ray focused on organismal morphology. He reconciled religious views by adhering to natural theology.

  • Carl Linnaeus vigorously identified and classified many plants and animals with binomial nomenclature.

  • Erasmus Darwin publishes Zoonomia. He talked about competition, sexual selection, and hypothesized all life may have arisen from "one living filement."

  • Georges Cuvier established extinction as a fact.

  • Charles Darwin publishes "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"

    Charles Darwin publishes "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"
  • Alfred Wallace travels in Malay archipelago and corresponds with Darwin on the diversity of species and explains it through natural selection-like ways.

    Alfred Wallace travels in Malay archipelago and corresponds with Darwin on the diversity of species and explains it through natural selection-like ways.
  • E.D. Cope studied embryology and hypothesized differences in species to arise from changes in development

    E.D. Cope studied embryology and hypothesized differences in species to arise from changes in development
  • Alfred Wegener published "The Origin of Continents and Oceans" and introduced continental drift that explained separation of similar fossils.

    Alfred Wegener published "The Origin of Continents and Oceans" and introduced continental drift that explained separation of similar fossils.