Birth of Hugo de Vries
Hugo de Vries was born in 1848 in the Netherlands. -
Major Events in Personal Life (de Vries)
Hugo's father, Gerrit de Vries becomes Prime Minister of the Netherlands. -
Educational Background (de Vries)
Hugo majored botany at the Leiden University. -
Where Major Work was Carried Out (de Vries)
de Vries Spent alot of his time at the University of Amserdam, where he carried out most of his work. -
Major Social and Political Events (de Vries)
de Vries finds out about Mendel's work, and changes some of his terminology to match Mendel's. -
Contributations to Evolution Theory
de Vries was best known for his work on mutation. He published his work in The Mutation Theory. (1990-1903) -
Hugo de Vries's Death
De Vries dies in 1935. -
Birth of Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins was born in Nairobi, Kenya, March 26th 1941. -
Educational Background (Dawkins)
Dawkins graduated from Balliol Collage in 1962. He studied Zoology and was tutored by Nikolaas Tinbergen -
Major Social and Politifcal Events (Dawkins)
Vietnam war. Richard Dawkins was strongly opposed to this and was involved in serval anti-war demonstrations. -
Where Major Work was Carried Out (Dawkins)
Richard Dawkins carried out most of his major work at the University of Oxford. -
Contributations to Evolutionary Theory (Dawkins)
The Selfish Gene. "All life evolves by the differental survival of replicating entities". -
Contributations to Evolutionary Theory (Dawkins)
The Extended Phenotype. In this, Dawkins describes the process of Natural Selection as "The process whereby replicators out-propagate each other". -
Major Events in Personal Life (Dawkins)
Dawkins married Lalla Ward.