
Evolution of Evolution

By Rylando
  • Birth of Hugo de Vries

    Birth of Hugo de Vries
    Hugo de Vries was born in 1848 in the Netherlands.
  • Major Events in Personal Life (de Vries)

    Major Events in Personal Life (de Vries)
    Hugo's father, Gerrit de Vries becomes Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
  • Educational Background (de Vries)

    Educational Background (de Vries)
    Hugo majored botany at the Leiden University.
  • Where Major Work was Carried Out (de Vries)

    Where Major Work was Carried Out (de Vries)
    de Vries Spent alot of his time at the University of Amserdam, where he carried out most of his work.
  • Major Social and Political Events (de Vries)

    de Vries finds out about Mendel's work, and changes some of his terminology to match Mendel's.
  • Contributations to Evolution Theory

    Contributations to Evolution Theory
    de Vries was best known for his work on mutation. He published his work in The Mutation Theory. (1990-1903)
  • Hugo de Vries's Death

    Hugo de Vries's Death
    De Vries dies in 1935.
  • Birth of Richard Dawkins

    Birth of Richard Dawkins
    Richard Dawkins was born in Nairobi, Kenya, March 26th 1941.
  • Educational Background (Dawkins)

    Educational Background (Dawkins)
    Dawkins graduated from Balliol Collage in 1962. He studied Zoology and was tutored by Nikolaas Tinbergen
  • Major Social and Politifcal Events (Dawkins)

    Major Social and Politifcal Events (Dawkins)
    Vietnam war. Richard Dawkins was strongly opposed to this and was involved in serval anti-war demonstrations.
  • Where Major Work was Carried Out (Dawkins)

    Where Major Work was Carried Out (Dawkins)
    Richard Dawkins carried out most of his major work at the University of Oxford.
  • Contributations to Evolutionary Theory (Dawkins)

    Contributations to Evolutionary Theory (Dawkins)
    The Selfish Gene. "All life evolves by the differental survival of replicating entities".
  • Contributations to Evolutionary Theory (Dawkins)

    Contributations to Evolutionary Theory (Dawkins)
    The Extended Phenotype. In this, Dawkins describes the process of Natural Selection as "The process whereby replicators out-propagate each other".
  • Major Events in Personal Life (Dawkins)

    Major Events in Personal Life (Dawkins)
    Dawkins married Lalla Ward.