Evolution of Educational Technology

By cyulee
  • Creation of iPads

    Creation of iPads
    Following its invention, iPads were introduced to classrooms in 2010. Despite iPad sales being surpassed by Chromebooks, iPads continued to be popular among young pupils. The launch of iPads signaled a move toward mobile and 1:1 technology in education, allowing for more individualized learning experiences.
  • Creation of Chromebooks

    Creation of Chromebooks
    Following its invention, Chromebooks were introduced to classrooms in 2012. By 2014, Chromebook sales surpassed iPad sales. In 2018, 30 million students and educators used Chromebooks.
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Grows

    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Grows
    In 2012, MOOC platforms, such as Coursera and edX, were launched and offered free courses from prestigious universities globally. MOOCs made schooling accessible by allowing millions of students globally to enroll in university-level courses, for free or at an affordable cost. This globalization of education removed geographical obstacles, allowing people from varied backgrounds to learn from top-tier schools.
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) are Largely Adopted

    Learning Management Systems (LMS) are Largely Adopted
    In 2013, Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle, became crucial tools for educational settings to organize and distribute educational content. These systems enabled educators to submit course materials, assign assignments, track student progress, communicate with students and teachers, and perform distant learning in one platform. Education became more adaptable and effective.
  • Flipped Classroom Peaks in Education

    Flipped Classroom Peaks in Education
    In 2014, the practice of flipped classrooms, or the practice of students learning material before class to apply it in class, check their understanding, and extend their learning at home, peaked. This practice has become very popular among classrooms and has proven beneficial to student achievement and growth.
  • Educational eBooks Rise in Popularity

    Educational eBooks Rise in Popularity
    From 2015 through 2017, eBooks rose in popularity and were widely adopted in schools and institutions due to their increased availability, advancements in technology, cost efficiency, and integration with learning platforms. Major publications like Pearson and McGraw-Hill began offering digital versions of textbooks.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) in the Classroom

    Virtual Reality (VR) in the Classroom
    2016 sees a rise in the usage of virtual reality, such as Google Expeditions. Virtual reality in the class allows students to experience various geographies, history, art, and science without leaving the classroom. With virtual reality bringing material and topics to life, students are engaged in the classroom, improving their performance.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Classroom

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Classroom
    In 2017, AI served an important part in education with AI-powered tutoring systems becoming increasingly popular. AI systems provided personalized instruction, assisting students with certain subjects by evaluating their learning patterns and providing tailored feedback. AI allowed teachers to focus on education. The rise of AI signaled the movement toward data-driven teaching methodologies, enabling educators to personalize learning experiences to the needs of their pupils.
  • Improvements in Assistive Technology for Special Education

    Improvements in Assistive Technology for Special Education
    In 2018, assistive technology for students with disabilities improved with tools like text-to-speech, speech recognition, and augmented communication devices. Such tools were implemented in technological devices like iPads and Chromebooks. The implementation of assistive technology made education accessible and inclusive for students with disabilities.
  • Large-Scale Use of Mobile Devices

    Large-Scale Use of Mobile Devices
    By 2019, 70% of people had smartphones or phones with access to the Internet. Mobile devices were used for entertainment, shopping, banking, social networking, and education. Following the scale of mobile devices, there was an integration of mobile technology, such as gaming elements, into the education field to improve the traditional classroom experience and student learning.
  • Global Shift to Online Learning

    Global Shift to Online Learning
    On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Due to the pandemic, students and teachers shifted to online learning. This global shift to online learning increased the use of platforms like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Classroom to continue teaching. However, future research would prove that this period of online learning was detrimental to the growth and education of students with many students having gaps in their knowledge and development.